
Your easygoing ways make you a very popular figure in the weeks ahead. Underdogs gravitate towards your kind and sympathetic style. You could make quite a few interesting friends now. Although they may not fit in with the status quo, they will provide lots of creative inspiration. There's also a chance you will fall in love with one of your new friends. Keep your eyes open for a nature lover who has an affinity for dogs and horses.

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An intense love affair makes you feel as though you're walking on air. If you've been with your partner for some time, take this opportunity to expand your lovemaking skills. Devoting more time and energy to your mutual pleasure will pay off handsomely. A generous tax refund, insurance settlement, or inheritance will put more money in your bank account. Use this sum fund your education or take a trip abroad. It's a great time to expand your horizons.

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Working alongside a partner will prove fulfilling. This is definitely a case where two heads are better than one. Even if they have no experience with a particular kind of work, you will still benefit from their input. If you've been thinking about getting engaged or married, the next few weeks will be ideal. Moving in with your amour is another possibility. Signing a contract or entering into a partnership is also a possibility. Get the best terms possible.

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You don't believe in coming on strong when it comes to romance. You prefer a soft, subtle approach. Unfortunately, the object of your affection may not pick up on your signals. If this is the case, you'll need to be a little more direct. Summon your courage and ask for a date. Waiting around for them to approach you will waste valuable time. If you're already in a relationship, this would be a good time to relieve your amour of a dreaded chore.

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All eyes will be on you for the next few weeks, which is just the way you like it. You'll have no trouble attracting romantic attention. If you're in a relationship, your partner will become much more amorous. It might be fun to take a mini-break. Leave the children at home with a babysitter; this trip should be for adults only. If you are single, you could meet someone special at a sporting event or horse show.

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Staying close to home will be tempting in the weeks ahead. You enjoy cooking large meals for friends and neighbours. Throwing a family party could also be in the cards. Take care not to use your domestic life as a balm from professional wounds, though. If your boss or colleagues are treating you badly, you need to confront the situation. Drowning your sorrows in homemade cake won't solve the problem. Stand up to those who are making your life miserable.

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The ideal of settling down isn't especially appealing to you. You'd rather play the field. If you're in a relationship, you need to guard against temptation or you could find yourself embroiled in an illicit affair. It could be fun at first, but eventually you'll hate yourself for treating your partner so poorly. If you've outgrown your union, do the adult thing and make a clean break. When push comes to shove you will probably decide to stay put and rekindle the passion between you.

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You've always had a tendency towards possessiveness and you need to watch this trend in the weeks ahead. Clinging too closely to a romantic partner will spell trouble for your relationship. If your amour wants to take a trip on their own send them on their way with a cheerful wave. Demonstrating your faith and trust in them is the best gift you could give. If you're single, it may be because you suffocate love interests with obsessive phone calls and text messages.

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As far as you're concerned, all is fair in love and war. If you've developed an interest in someone who is already attached, you'll do everything in your power to lure them to your side. Beware of engaging in such dangerous behaviour. Yes, it's exciting to test your powers of seduction. Ultimately the object of your affection will come to resent your manipulative behaviour. Channel your passion into a sport or creative endeavour.

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You're acutely aware of a female friend's problems, and will do everything in your power to keep her safe and happy. If this means working longer hours or sacrificing your leisure time, so be it. Cynics will say your efforts are a waste of time. Deep down inside you know you're doing the right thing. With plenty of patience and understanding from you, your friend will be able to heal. Be sure to treat yourself gently in the weeks ahead.

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Keeping loved ones at arm's length may be necessary. You're intent on retaining your individuality. This will be difficult if you let friends and relatives influence your thinking. Although you want their approval, you prize authenticity even more. Following your heart with regard to a romance will be difficult. It seems your peers may not approve of your decision. Ultimately, they're not the ones who will have to live with your choice.

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Focusing on work may be your first order of business. You're determined to gain recognition for your talents. If this means making a more public role at your job, so be it. Some people will look down on you for sucking up to authority figures. Don't pay any attention to their chilly attitude. You've got bigger fish to fry. Making the right sort of business contacts will help you rise to the top of your field. It could even help you launch a company of your own.

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