
You're having a hard time settling down. Your desire for adventure is keeping you from developing an important relationship. Instead of breaking away from a caring person's embrace, lean in to it. You will benefit from the comforting presence of a cherished friend or devoted partner. Don't be afraid of looking foolish and vulnerable. Love can't bloom until you let down your defences. Postpone a trip and spend time with a person who is close to your heart. Take a long walk together and let down your defences.

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It's important to deliver on your promises. Just because you have become disenchanted with someone does not mean you would leave them in the lurch. Finish whatever business is involved as soon as possible. Then you can explore greener pastures. You're learning a valuable lesson about trust. Instead of evaluating a person on the basis of their words, concentrate on their behaviour instead. A person who acts honourably all the time and with everyone is worth your time and attention.

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When in doubt, talk less and listen more. Be wary about revealing secrets to unscrupulous people. If you have a juicy piece of gossip, keep it to yourself. Revealing this information will harm someone who doesn't deserve it. We've all done things that are embarrassing. Raking a person over the coals for being human is overly harsh. Remember your own humanity in a social setting. Before telling a funny story, think how you would feel if you were the subject of this tale.

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A careless approach to work will get you in trouble. You can't afford to have a cavalier attitude, even if you're planning to quit your job. Future employment prospects are being affected by your current mind set. Going above and beyond the call of duty will work to your advantage. Someone who admires your diligence will reward you for it. A better employment opportunity, an impressive promotion or big pay rise is yours, provided you push the envelope. Indifference and lethargy are your worst enemies.

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Look before you leap. Even if this advice seems obvious and tedious, it is still worth taking. Don't let a desire for change prompt you to venture into dangerous territory. Someone who senses your vulnerability will try to take advantage of you. It's better to stay close to loyal friends than put your faith in an unreliable charmer. If you're looking for romance, hold out for a partner who is worthy of your affection. Avoid a person who has a reputation for breaking hearts.

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Instead of concentrating on the bottom line, think about how a programme will affect the most vulnerable members of the community. There is a human cost to every decision. It can't be measured in terms of money, but the impact is profound. People who are promoting this agenda will try appealing to your head instead of your heart. As a general rule, you make decisions based on logic. Ignore this tendency and listen to your heart instead. If you don't, your conscience will haunt you.

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Burying yourself in work will not make personal problems disappear. Put your duties aside and deal with a troubling matter. If you've been fighting with a relative or neighbour, you must extend an olive branch. It may not be possible to resolve your differences, but you can agree to live in harmony. Treating each other with courtesy and respect is better than constantly sniping at one another. Resist the temptation to participate in a gossipy conversation about this individual.

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If you want to make friends, you must get down off your high horse. Nothing drives away affection like a morally superior attitude. You may not share other people's beliefs, but you can still learn from them. Suppress the urge to correct or educate others. Ask lots of questions and listen carefully to responses. People you would have ordinarily written off will surprise you. Prepare to change your outlook. The ideas you're currently holding are limiting your growth.

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Although you hate to admit it, you have limited options. Rebelling against authority will do more harm than good. Make it your mission to work within the perimeters. Demonstrating that you can be a team player will lead to bigger and better opportunities. Some rules are stupid, but most are sound. If everyone were allowed to do whatever they want, disaster would ensue. This principle also holds true for you. Your impulses aren't as noble as you pretend.

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Allow yourself to learn from new members of the group. An accomplished young person makes you insecure. Instead of acting like their contributions are silly, take them seriously. By showing respect to them, they'll return the favour. Nobody can diminish your impressive accomplishments. Anyone who tries painting you as being old fashioned will get a surprise. Your willingness to experiment with new techniques will boost your reputation even higher.

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Sweeping generalisations will get you in trouble. Don't assume you know someone's needs and tastes because you are familiar with their background. Before giving a presentation, talk to the people who will be affected by your proposal. You'll hear some harsh criticism. Instead of becoming defensive, take these reactions seriously. A more sensitive approach will dissolve opposition. Think in terms of what will benefit the group, rather than what is best for you.

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Stop fooling yourself about professional prospects. If you want to be considered for a good job, you will have to increase your skill set. It may be necessary to earn an advanced degree or work as an apprentice. Take the practical steps necessary to reach your goals. There's nothing wrong with admitting the gaps in your knowledge. The problem occurs when you insist this ignorance has no bearing on your success. Be clear: It does. Charm and creativity will only get you so far.

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