
A clash of cultures makes it difficult for you to understand someone's motives. Instead of forcing this person to bend their ways to meet your needs, work out a compromise. If you don't, you'll continue to argue over insignificant matters. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you're not in total agreement over every last detail. The important thing is you can work together despite your differences. Your flexible attitude improves your career prospects.

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It's hard not to fall victim to someone's seductive charms, but you've got to try. Otherwise, you could jeopardise your financial future. A lover who enjoys spending your hard-earned cash on expensive luxuries needs to be reined in. If that means putting your amour on a budget, so be it. If you are single, resist the urge to win someone's affection with lavish gifts. Your personality should be enough of a lure.

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A partnership becomes contentious when you can't agree on anything from sex to money to housework. What's really at work here is a struggle for supremacy. Instead of trying to gain the upper hand over your amour, why not create a balancing act? Trade responsibilities on a regular basis. Let one of you call the shots one day, and then switch off the next. Above all, be more sensitive to each other's needs.

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Your work situation will take a toll on your health if you're not careful. It's important to separate your personal and professional lives. Stop taking work home with you. Refuse to check your office messages while you're enjoying private time with friends and family. Above all, find ways to release work-related tension at the gym. If your job is so toxic you can't find relief, you need to find another. Start looking now.

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This is not the right time to take any risks, financial or otherwise. Resist the urge to invest money on what seems like a sure thing. If you admire someone from afar, keep your feelings a secret. Above all, don't make any changes to your professional circumstances. Although you think you're in full control of a situation, somebody else is actually pulling the strings. Exercise caution until you know the truth.

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Your domestic life is being disrupted by forces beyond your control. Instead of fighting the trend, look for help in whatever form you can get it. There's no shame in asking for assistance, especially when you're struggling with such huge obstacles. Friends, relatives, and even strangers will be eager to relieve your burdens. You're about to learn a wonderful lesson about human nature. People are really very generous at heart.

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Signing legal documents is definitely not favoured today, so don't yield to pressure. An imposing authority figure will try to intimidate you with stern warnings, but don't pay any attention. There's a reason this person is so insistent; they're trying to push you into an arrangement that deprives you of power! Postpone any and all discussions for another day, when you won't feel so vulnerable. A creative project provides a marvellous distraction.

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Don't use money as a bargaining chip in a relationship, or this strategy will backfire. Feeling as though you have to bribe someone to be in your corner is a definite red flag. Give the person in question room to decide whether this pairing satisfies their needs. If not, you can always find a more willing partner. If so, you'll know their loyalty is based on respect, not fear.

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You want more control over your destiny, but that just isn't possible now. You have to consider other people now. Whether you're thinking about changing jobs or moving to another residence is immaterial. The important thing is to find a solution that works for everyone. This may mean putting up with a difficult situation for longer than you anticipated. Show you care enough about others to make personal sacrifices.

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Behind-the-scenes power struggles will result in heartache for you. Instead of wrangling with a difficult colleague, let this person have their way. Eventually, their deficiencies will be evident to everyone. At that moment, you can seize the reins of power. Until then, remain patient. It will be difficult for a talented person like you to defer to an inferior talent, but force yourself in the interest of long-term professional goals.

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A strong urge to reform a friend will create lots of unnecessary tension. Instead of trying to show this person the error of their ways, remain neutral. Otherwise, you will be accused of being meddlesome. Ordinarily, you are content to live and let live. Right now it drives you crazy to see your pal sabotaging their own good fortune. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do change their ways, so focus on your own issues.

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If you want to move up the ladder of success, you can't let depression weigh you down. Yes, you've experienced disappointments in the past, but you can't let these negative memories stop you taking risks. Sending for application forms, going on job interviews, and showing off your work are essential ingredients to your success. And while there may be some rejection involved, you only need one acceptance to land a plum position.

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