
Contributing time, money and energy to a creative organisation is strongly advised. You're tired of feeling cynical. Working to make the world a better place will give you a new lease on life. Not only will you enjoy helping those who are less fortunate, you'll benefit from meeting fellow philanthropists. A strong attraction to a gifted fundraiser will be impossible to ignore. Are you already in a relationship? Find a way for you and your partner to help a worthy cause in the community.

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You're surrounded by creative people who appreciate your artistic talent. If someone offers to display the fruits of your labour, accept. You'll attract fame and acclaim for this handiwork. You can make a great living from crafting things that are both useful and beautiful. Stuffier members of your social circle won't understand your decision to leave a steady job. Don't be deflated by their disapproval. You're on the road to a successful career. It may be unconventional, but that doesn't matter.

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A glamorous professional opportunity is within reach. Don't hesitate to apply for a job involving fashion, film or some other artistic profession. Although you may not have the extensive experience of your rivals, your talent is undeniable. A whimsical executive is willing to take a chance on you. At first, the demands of your job will be overwhelming. Resist the urge to quit. By adopting a mature attitude to your work, you'll achieve the career success you've always wanted.

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This is a great time to indulge your love of books, movies and music. You're such a conscientious person. Often, you put your needs aside for the sake of your loved ones. Taking care of your nearest and dearest is rewarding, but it can deplete your emotional energy. Instead of cooking, cleaning and running errands, devote your energy to the activities you love most. Tackle your 'To Be Read' pile; treat yourself to a romantic comedy; listen to show tunes that make your heart sing.

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Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or dividend will allow you to make extensive renovations to your home. Update the plumbing and electrical systems. Install a new kitchen or bathroom. If you don't own your place, put a deposit on one. You may be irresistibly drawn to an old structure that needs tender loving care. Preserving the historic details while installing modern conveniences will be an enjoyable challenge. You have good instincts for blending the old with the new.

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A romantic relationship gives you a new lease on life. Instead of doubting your abilities and fearing the future, you adopt an optimistic outlook at every turn. This positive approach draws love, luck and money like a magnet. Things that were once a source of struggle become as easy as breathing. Whether you're looking for a new job, home or creative opportunity, you'll do so with the help of your amour. Are you single? You won't be for long. It's impossible to resist your upbeat energy.

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A creative project gives you an exciting opportunity to show off your artistic talent. This job will quickly lead to bigger and better opportunities, especially if you put an innovative spin on a traditional form. Have you been yearning for a career in the arts? This is your big chance. Once you have some impressive examples in your portfolio, it will be easier to get a foothold in your desired field. Don't hesitate to call in a few favours. Your social network is instrumental to your professional success.

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A loving partner is showering you with love and affection. Being adored makes your creative juices flow. Use this exhilaration to get an art project off the ground. It doesn't matter if you compose music, write poetry or design clothes; you have the ability to create something special. If you are single you might meet someone special at an art gallery, museum exhibit or concert. Joining forces with someone who shares your love of beauty will double your appreciation of life.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A strong emotional tie to an emotional relative is empowering. With your family member's support, you're able to reach heights you never dreamed possible. Creative people often have difficulty developing their talents. Well intentioned people who are obsessed with security try steering them to stuffy jobs that dull their senses. Thanks to this sympathetic loved one, you were given the green light to follow your dreams. Now this gamble has paid off, it's time to celebrate.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Studying a mystical subject will be a refreshing change of pace. You've always been extremely practical. Your talent for spinning straw into gold is legendary. The material world can get you down when you become thoroughly immersed in it. Take this opportunity to learn about a fascinating new subject. You don't have to tell your friends what you are doing if you don't want to. Having a secret source of pleasure will give you an attractive glow.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keep a financial agreement under wraps. Talking about the details of a professional deal will cause opportunists to come out of the woodwork. You have no objection to helping friends who are struggling. You don't want to be pressured into giving your hard earned cash to an unscrupulous wheeler dealer. Getting paid to express your creative, compassionate side is exhilarating. It's understandable you want to share your happiness with the world, it's more prudent to be discreet.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have a strong desire to expand your horizons that you just can't ignore any longer. Intellectual engagement with ideas, interests or individuals becomes a must in your life. Don't be afraid of venturing into unfamiliar territory. The Universe is beckoning you to realise your potential. That can't happen if you maintain the status quo. Take a chance and reap the rewards. If you've been thinking about going on a spiritual pilgrimage, this would be an opportune time to do so. Pack your bag.

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