
Friends aren't as reliable as you would hope during the countdown to Christmas. If you have an important project, you'll have to roll your sleeves up and do it yourself. There's a chance someone you love will back out of a fun outing at the last minute. Instead of cancelling altogether, go anyway. Going solo will be liberating. It will be nice to eat where you want and shop at your own pace. Were you counting on someone else for a ride? Take public transport or hire a car.

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Keep an eye on your credit rating. Unpaid bills or overextended charge cards will limit your freedom. Pay down your balances, reduce the amount of accounts you have and avoid applying for more credit. Sending a little more money than the minimum balance required will also strengthen your score. You have more control over the situation than you realise. Being proactive will build your self-esteem and make it easier to attract new sources of income. The security you seek is within reach.

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A promised job opportunity will be put on hold. Treat this news as a blessing in disguise. Turn your attention to time consuming tasks that continually slip beneath your radar. Take the car in for a service, replenish household supplies or take packages to the post office. By the time you cross these jobs off your list of things to do, you'll be able to resume plans for a career transition. Everything happens for a reason. When you encounter delays, be philosophical, not stressed.

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You're have unusually heavy expenses at Christmas. Don't let the prospect of big bills stop you from enjoying the festive season. You'll have plenty of time and opportunity to meet your obligations in the New Year. Right now, you should be focused on having fun with your nearest and dearest. Your romantic or business partner will reassure you when panic sets in. Make sure you take their comforting words to heart. This relationship has healing power for you.

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Somebody close to you at home, at work or in your social circle is having a hard time. Christmas is difficult for people who had troubled childhoods. Be gentle and don't try to cultivate a false sense of joy. Making a strategic retreat will allow them to regroup. While they're processing grief and anger, you should go about your business. Go to parties, shop for gifts and listen to traditional music. You can be supportive without having your own good time spoiled.

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Work is stressful. Colleagues are taking out their problems with Christmas on you. Rise above the fray by being good to yourself. Get a massage, treat yourself to a gourmet meal or splash out on a trendy new outfit. It's easier to deflect toxic energy when you treat yourself well. Fortunately, your home life is rewarding. When you can't summon the energy to pamper yourself, relatives will come to your rescue. Let your family wait on you for a change.

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Love will be elusive. Everybody is busy with their own concerns. Instead of yearning for what you can't have, take control of your destiny. Begin work on a project you've been contemplating for a long time. Keeping busy will be a welcome distraction from self-obsessed friends. This situation is only temporary, so there is no need to despair. As Christmas draws closer, people will become more relaxed and realise the world won't fall apart if they take a break from work.

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Be prepared to be turned down for a bank loan or refinancing deal. Just because one door has been closed doesn't mean you are trapped. It's time to develop another plan. Paying off debts and leading a more frugal lifestyle will be liberating. You'll sleep much easier when you're not worrying about bills. If you're worried about Christmas, think about making gifts instead of purchasing them. The nice thing about handmade presents is they allow you to avoid crowded shops and packed parking lots.

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You might have to cancel a short trip because it's difficult to find a hotel room or pet sitter. Don't feel pressured to buy a plane ticket if it's beyond the scope of your budget. While it's nice to spend Christmas with loved ones, you shouldn't have to go above and beyond the call of duty to attend. If relatives keep exerting pressure on you, explain politely and firmly that you can't come. Change the subject if they try making you feel guilty about your absence.

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This is not a good time to enter into a financial agreement. Whether you're thinking of forming a business partnership or joining a bank, you should hold out for better terms. If you're dealing with someone who engages in high pressure tactics, walk away. You deserve to work with someone who treats you with respect. Even if you're in a precarious position, you'll still find a way to do business without giving away all your power. Stay calm, be alert and look for better prospects.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've experienced several disappointments in a short period of time. When things like this happen, it's tempting to retreat into your shell. Instead of doing that, reach out. Your best friend or romantic partner will do everything in their power to help you through this difficult period. Instead of keeping busy, take a break. Stay home from work, catch up on your sleep and spend time on your favourite hobby. Slowly but surely, your natural enthusiasm will return.

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Upsetting secrets are coming to light. Instead of challenging someone's account, be quiet and listen carefully. The facts may support their story, causing you to realise a terrible injustice. It will take a long time to come to terms with this terrible revelation. Try to be as loving and supportive to the brave individual who addressed this issue. It's never easy to expose an abuse of power, but it is necessary to begin the healing process. Talk to a counsellor if you are struggling with anger and pain.

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