
Are you thinking about a new venture involving writing, teaching or travelling? It's a good time to expand your horizon. You'll feel uncomfortable in the early stages, but that won't faze you. That's because you're smart enough to release standards of perfection when you're a beginner. As a result, you master lessons much faster than your competitors. Don't be surprised if your peers start treating you like a mentor. You have the same level of knowledge, but your maturity level is far greater.

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You'll be offered a position that involves staying behind the scenes. Although it will be difficult to watch others getting credit for your hard work, the situation is temporary. Instead of yearning for the spotlight, focus instead on gaining valuable experience. You have a chance to work with an accomplished person with lots of name recognition. Getting a job reference from this superstar will improve your long term career prospects. When you want validation, turn to your friends and family.

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Attending a conference or lecture will be surprisingly enjoyable. Not only will you learn some valuable things, you'll also meet some nice people. Making friends with people who share your interests will be uplifting. You've always been an intensely curious person. Your inquisitive mind has led you down unconventional paths. At times, this has been alienating. The camaraderie of a new peer group will be a terrific comfort. You might even arrange a group getaway for you and your friends.

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Financial or material gain will come when an executive leaves their position. Taking their place will be an exciting challenge. You have a much different style than your predecessor. Instead of trying to emulate them, forge your own path. Resist the temptation to buy lots of status symbols to bolster your image. You'll earn the respect of your peers by staying true to yourself. A close relationship will show signs of strains as a result of this promotion. Do your best to reassure your partner that you will continue to love and cherish them.

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Working with someone from a different cultural background will be rewarding. You'll learn some valuable sales techniques from this colleague. Practicing reverse psychology will be more effective than flattery and affirmations. Your style is effective with different types of customers. Use it when you're in more familiar surroundings. Right now, you're a stranger in a strange land. This will be one of the most valuable learning experiences of your career. They will help you expand your customer base.

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A refund cheque, financial aid or work bonus will make life much easier. Treat yourself to a sumptuous gift this Christmas season. Picking exactly what you want will give you long term satisfaction. Put the rest of the money in the bank. This financial cushion will release you from fear and let you focus on creative pursuits. Don't be surprised when you start turning out the best work of your life. Financial security gives your imagination permission to flourish.

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Taking a trip with your romantic or business partner will be rewarding. Although you have a lot of responsibilities on the home front, these duties can wait. Working as a team will further both of your goals. Are you single? You will meet someone special while travelling for business. Don't shy away from an admirer who comes on strong. They are bound and determined to win your heart. It's nice to be the object of an ambitious person's desire.

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Work conditions are getting better. You're not ready to celebrate, fearing there are ulterior motives for these improvements. Fortunately, your suspicions are unfounded. People are beginning to realise the old way of doing things was not working. Making the staff more comfortable will pay off handsomely. If you resent your employer, keep it under wraps. This is not the time to voice your grievances. By the time the New Year arrives, you'll realise these steps were sincere and effective.

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If you've been harbouring a crush on someone, it's time to confess your feelings. There's a good chance your admission will get an enthusiastic reception. Even if it doesn't, you'll have the satisfaction of expressing your feelings. You're a passionate person who doesn't like supressing emotion. Do you already have a romantic partner? Go shopping for a special Christmas gift for your amour. Choose something that is a reflection of their tastes instead of yours.

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Spending more time at home will be comforting. You've always been ambitious and sometimes neglect your domestic life. That will change this Christmas. Family gatherings, time honoured traditions and festive pursuits will melt your heart. Suddenly, you'll wonder why you found the workplace so alluring. Rest assured there will be a great deal of professional satisfaction in the New Year. For now, focus on enjoying the comforts of your private haven.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Surprising news is music to your ears. Your best friend may have overcome a crisis. Your romantic partner could get a job offer. Events affecting your world of work or career future might take a more positive turn. Whatever the coming days might hold, they should trigger a series of celebrations. Step aside and allow your friend to bask in the spotlight. They've been struggling with a problem for a long time. Although you've given them invaluable support, they're the ones who have borne the brunt of the stress.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A surprise gift will warm your heart. People appreciate how kind and attentive you are. Quite often, you don't give yourself enough credit for being such a good friend. Don't make that mistake now, when you're being celebrated for this terrific trait. Are you self-employed? Your income is on the upswing. Go ahead and raise your fees to keep apace with inflation. Good customers will be happy to pay what you are worth. When you value yourself, others will follow suit.

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