
If you're going to excel in your career, you must develop your interpersonal skills. Knowing how to deal with difficult customers is critical to your success. It's also important to be a good listener and conduct yourself in a professional manner. When people enjoy working with you, it will be easy to attract loyal clients. You'll also be awarded plum assignments only the most talented workers can get. If you have an anger management problem, it's time to get it treated.

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Health problems are probably stress related. Learning how to manage your anxiety will boost your productivity and help you sleep easier. It's also important to avoid food, people and activities that irritate your system. If you're in a toxic relationship, break it off and go solo. Is your work environment abusive? Find a new job. Is your living situation chaotic? Find calm, soothing surroundings where you can relax. It's better to make these changes voluntarily than have them foisted upon you.

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It's important to wear safety equipment when playing sports, working with sharp tools and operating heavy machinery. Do you really want to go to the emergency room out of sheer carelessness? You may feel silly wearing pads, goggles or a seat belt, but you'll feel sillier if you suffered permanent damage. Be sensible. Gambling with your health is just foolhardy. Be ready to say 'no' to a persuasive salesman. Buying an expensive luxury item will be cause for regret. Keep your money in the bank.

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A home repair project will go awry. Take this opportunity to hire a professional. Some jobs aren't meant to be handled by an amateur. If you've enlisted the help of someone who isn't up to the job, be willing to let them go. There's no reason you should pay good money for unsatisfactory work. If you're not sure what to pay someone, do some online research. The last thing you need is to pay three times the average amount for a standard job.

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Don't say anything in anger you will later regret. As a general rule, you are very compassionate. Lately, a neighbour or relative has been wearing on your nerves. It seems to you they are their own worst enemy. The next time they complain about a situation they've created, you will snap. You'll be filled with remorse immediately afterward. It will take a long time to regain their trust. Treat this as a lesson about what can happen when you let resentment fester.

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Buying the most expensive piece of equipment won't yield the best results. You're better off going with a bargain brand. The merchandise won't last for long, but you will be happy with the results. A quality machine that fits your needs simply hasn't been developed yet. You'll have to lower your standards and be satisfied with what you can get. Instead of cursing your luck, cultivate contentment. It's a much healthier attitude. Besides, attaining perfection isn't always possible, even for you.

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The more you try to control a situation, the greater people will resist your attempts. At some point, you need to respect the wishes of the majority. If you're unhappy with a decision, remain philosophical. There will be a time when you can take another route. Right now, you should establish yourself as a valuable team player. Do your best to work well within the flawed system that has been created. People will respect your mature attitude and cooperative behaviour.

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It will be impossible to contain your anger at a loved one. Their immature behaviour has cost you time, money and sleep. You need to establish new ground rules. When these boundaries are crossed, you'll have to administer a punishment. Are you dealing with an adult? Then be ready to break ties with this troublemaker. You have better things to do than clean up their mess. Friends may be surprised, but that's because they don't understand the full extent of the problem.

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Friends are pressuring you take a certain path. Unfortunately, this road isn't suitable for you. You are meant for extraordinary things. Summon your courage and make an unconventional choice. Some people will accuse you of snobbery, but it can't be helped. You have high standards and should demand the best. A hidden enemy will mock your taste, but you'll have the last laugh. While they're left struggling with substandard materials, you'll be enjoying premium merchandise.

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A pushy executive will take one too many liberties with you. Although you have great respect for authority, you insist on being treated with dignity. Give this abuser a piece of your mind in a public forum. Bullies can't stand to have their methods subjected to public scrutiny. It is possible you will incur a fine or punishment, but this will seem minimal to the relief you'll feel at speaking your mind. People should know they can't mess with you.

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A narrow minded person won't listen to reason. There's no point in challenging their ignorant assumptions. In fact, letting them expound on their nonsensical theories is probably wise. Once people realise just how bigoted this fool is, they'll stop doing business with them. It's only a matter of time when a clever, pleasant person comes along to steal their thunder. There's a good chance you will be this replacement. At the very least, you'll be in the position to nominate a new candidate.

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A relative will take more than their fair share of the resources. You won't be in the position to protect your interests, which makes you very angry. Look at this situation as a learning opportunity. If you're going to do business with someone, set down the terms in a contract. If you're living with someone, be sure to keep your bank accounts separate. Such measures will protect you from scam artists and manipulators. It's important for someone with your soft heart to take extra precautions.

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