
Social climbing doesn't suit your straightforward personality. Rather than seeking someone's friendship because they can help you, let personal relationships develop naturally. Opportunities for advancement will come because of your ability. You'll feel justifiably proud of your progress when it is made fairly. A disregard for the facts will reflect badly in you. If you don't know much about a subject, make it your mission to learn about it. Draw on reliable sources instead of opinion pieces. Your opinions will change once you are properly informed.

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If there's anything you can't stand, it's being bombarded with stories about the seedier side of life. Rather than subjecting yourself to lurid news reports, turn your attention to material that makes your heart sing. Read an uplifting book or watch a life affirming film. Although you get by very well by trusting your instincts, there are some situations that require formal training. When you discover you're out of your depth at work, sign up for a course. You'll quickly get up to speed.

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Stop putting obligations to others ahead of your own wishes and wants. By treating yourself to tender loving care, it will be much easier to be compassionate towards loved ones. If someone throws a tantrum when you don't attend to their whims, give them an ultimatum. A friend who is always getting into trouble expects you to help. Instead of coming to their aid, tell them to look elsewhere for assistance. You're tired of cleaning up their messes. Ending this friendship will come as a relief.

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You're tired of making compromises. It's clear you're the most capable person in the organisation; you shouldn't have to confer with a committee to get approval. To obtain the freedom you desire, you must find another employer. Launching your own business is another possibility. A close relationship is showing signs of strain. It feels like your partner doesn't support your career plans. Have a heart to heart about what you want and how you can achieve it. By joining forces, you will go far.

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Someone will try to intimidate you by belittling your suggestions. Stand up for yourself. You deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy, regardless of your experience and training. By establishing this healthy boundary, nobody else will dare try to put you down. You don't enjoy work that requires lots of repetition. Before landing your dream job, you must get experience. Performing tasks over and over will polish your performance. Think of this situation as paying your dues. Practice makes perfect.

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Trying to drown your sorrows in shopping excursions will only compound your problems. If you're sad, find inexpensive ways to lift your spirits. You've always enjoyed working with your hands. Gardening, baking bread or making pottery can be therapeutic. Doing puzzles can also be diverting. Don't feel guilty about your ability to make a good living. In the past, you tended to lend money to anyone who needed it. This impulse ate into your bottom line. You'll get much better use of these funds by putting them in savings.

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Don't be afraid of a little romantic competition. You're thoroughly charming, attractive and intelligent. You should have no trouble attracting admirers. If someone you fancy prefers another suitor, stay calm. There are other fish in the sea. Embody the qualities you want in a partner. Working with the public can improve your confidence. When someone asks you to give a presentation, accept. After getting over your initial nervousness, you'll take to this task like a duck to water. Stranger things have happened.

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Resist the temptation to get drawn into a nasty conversation. You don't want to be branded as a gossip. Although you don't like the person being discussed, you also dislike poking your nose where it doesn't belong. Keep busy with personal tasks. If you want a position of authority, you may need to get formal training. Going back to the classroom, training as an apprentice or working as an intern will help you get ahead. Make this temporary sacrifice for its long-term benefit.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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When you envy prosperous people, you drive abundance from your door. Get into the habit of rejoicing over displays of wealth. The more positive your attitude is towards money in all forms, the more easily you will attain it. Believe in the law of attraction. To attain the freedom you want, it's important to get a good job. In the early stages, you'll have to work hard and put in many hours. As you gain experience, you'll become more valuable to the workforce, making you more independent.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't hesitate to defend yourself from an unwarranted attack. Nobody will think badly of you if you take a rude individual to task. Confronting them in a public forum will teach them a valuable lesson. You're not a pushover and cannot be bullied. Dwelling on feelings of resentment doesn't serve any positive purpose. The sooner you forgive a relative, the faster you will move forward. You don't have to condone bad behaviour; you simply should free yourself of a bully's hold on you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Covering for someone else's misdeeds is a mistake. When someone asks you to provide them with an alibi, politely refuse. If they become angry and accuse you of being disloyal, remain calm. Explain you won't compromise your principles for anyone. Shocking news will reach your ears. Your opinion of a neighbour will change drastically. It just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover. Make it your mission to withhold judgement on others until you get to know them better.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It will be necessary to cancel personal plans for the sake of a friend. Coming to your loved one's rescue will draw you closer together. If your loved one needs professional help, urge them to get it. Your compassionate approach will break down their defences. A source of income will dry up, prompting you to find another job. Use this change of circumstances to improve your professional prospects. Learn how to operate a hi-tech gadget or operate a software programme.

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