
Getting involved with a social cause gives you a strong sense of personal power. The fact is, you can make the world a better place if you join forces with like-minded people. Don't volunteer your services as leader. People will naturally turn to you for answers once they discover how strong and decisive you are. You don't want to be accused of being bossy by this group. Besides, there's no room for big egos here.

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Meeting your physical needs will be profoundly satisfying today. Make this your first priority, even if it means postponing a meeting or putting off work for another day. If you don't have a romantic partner, slip on something special and head for a fun nightspot. You're bound to bump into somebody who catches your fancy. Go ahead and play hard-to-get if it amuses you. You certainly are an attractive piece of bait.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Friends are more than willing to help you with difficult projects. Working alongside a strong-willed partner will give you confidence to venture into unknown territory. Don't be discouraged if your efforts aren't successful at first. You learn something valuable with every attempt. If you feel a strong attraction to your new colleague, don't fight it. Such work arrangements often result in mild flirtations. In time, you'll forget this spark ever existed between you.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Solving difficult problems gives you tremendous satisfaction; you're a born trouble-shooter! If your health has been flagging, make subtle changes to your daily routine. You may find that going to bed half an hour earlier or avoiding sweets during the afternoon makes a big difference. Pay careful attention to your body's signals, particularly after eating. Authority figures can be moody, so treat them gently.

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You're extremely attractive and popular, mostly because you make life so easy and joyous. Steer clear of pessimists who like to put a negative spin on the most enjoyable activities. You need to be in a positive frame of mind if you're going to make the most of a unique creative opportunity. In a few months, people will be shaking their heads over your ingenuity. You're a born artist; focus on expressing your imagination today.

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You're in a very positive frame of mind, which makes it easy to enact powerful changes. If you haven't been happy with certain domestic situations, you can improve them today. Have an honest talk with the people involved, and refuse to be swayed by manipulative gestures. If you're on your own, you may decide to move to an area that supports your lifestyle better. Whatever actions you take, they're sure to be fulfilling.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Communicating your ideas effectively is half the battle with regard to an intimate relationship. Many times, you're eager to amend your opinions to fit those of your partner. Don't let that happen today. If you disagree with their stance, speak up immediately. Present your own ideas, and refuse to back down. Those around you will be thrilled by your assertive behaviour, and you'll feel as though you've finally come in to your own.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Overcoming negative emotional patterns will result in some surprising benefits. You may find it much easier to make money once you stop berating yourself for certain mistakes. The next time you hear your inner critic's voice, recite a positive affirmation. Begin each day by giving yourself a compliment. Write a list of ten things you did admirably each day. These practices will become ingrained habits, and work wonders for your ego.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Any dream you want is within reach, provided you focus on it. Try to visualise what you want to be and where you want to go in life over the coming months and years. As the vision of the future begins to take shape so you should look for the ways and means to make your dreams come true. Keep your aims and aspirations firmly fixed in your mind's eye because it's that determination and drive that will serve you best.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Demand the best of everything wherever you go; you'll be sure to get it. There's something about your commanding presence that makes others jump to attention. If you don't like the price of a costly object, negotiate a better rate. The person in charge may be astonished by your boldness, but will soon enter into the spirit of things. Don't bother with lowly clerks; you'll get the best results by going straight to the top.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Pursuing a childhood dream makes you feel better than you have in a long time. It's a mistake to put these vivid to fantasies to rest, even when you've assumed important responsibilities. Once you lose touch with your inner child, you might as well be put out to pasture. Everybody needs one passionate thing to keep them moving forward in life. Think back to a time when a single thought consumed every waking moment.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Making the most of your existing resources will help you nab a powerful position. Onlookers admire your ability to spin straw into gold. Don't throw in the towel if your competitors have a better education or have flashier status symbols. Your simple approach will gain lots of positive attention. In the event you're offered a job, ask for a salary you consider to be outrageously inflated. You'll probably get it!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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