
The best way to get ahead in the professional realm is through dedication and hard work. You're willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, provided you are rewarded for your efforts. You may not realise it, but your employer is impressed by your diligence. Although you may not get the promotion you expected, you will be asked to play a supporting role to a prominent executive. Accept this position, as it will be a valuable learning experience.

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You have great respect for people who have lots of experience. While people who should know better poke fun at those who have to make important decisions or seem hopelessly old fashioned, you admire their staying power. By paying close attention to how they deal with interpersonal conflicts and difficult decisions, you will go far. Technological innovations will continually challenge you, but most work conflicts can be handled through wisdom, insight and patience.

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If there's anything you can't stand; it's being in debt. You have a terrific opportunity to satisfy a big bill that's been hanging over your head. Whether you work overtime, take a freelance assignment or receive an inheritance, the resulting money will come as a relief. Moving forward, it will be wise to automatically divert a percentage of your pay into savings. This will allow you to cultivate a nest egg that will always keep the wolf from your door.

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Someone you live or work with will be a source of strength. Recently, you've been working hard to satisfy several different parties, but most of your efforts have fallen flat, leaving you sad and defeated. Instead of indulging in self-pity, ask your friend for moral support. They'll be happy to give you a rousing pep talk. Too often, you take other people's failings personally. The next time you feel guilty about this situation, remember the unreasonable behaviour of the other participants.

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Having a steady job allows you to be creative in other areas. Instead of worrying about when you will next be paid, you are free to develop fun projects in your spare time. This causes friends to wonder why you don't seek more artistic work assignments. The answer is simple. When you do a job for money, it ceases to be fun. That's why the handiwork you do in your leisure time is so joyous and inspired. Keep your day job and remain happy.

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A successful person has developed a crush on you. Their attention is flattering; it's nice to know you have the approval of someone who has so many accomplishments under their belt. Instead of feeling like you are unworthy of this attention, take a second look at your own achievements. You've never bragged about your talent, but it is formidable all the same. Very few people have your ability to work with such precision. When people need to have a project executed flawlessly, they seek your expertise. Be proud.

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Getting your household ship shape and tidy gives you a lot of pride. You lead an exciting social life. Coming home to a tranquil, comfortable environment acts like a tonic on you. If you're too busy with work, think about hiring a cleaning service. Treat the expense as an investment in your own happiness. Are you dissatisfied with your current surroundings? You'll be able to move to a better place, thanks to an inheritance, gift or dividend. Go ahead and indulge your love of luxury.

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If someone asks for your opinion, give a noncommittal response. There's a chance a rival is trying to get you into trouble. Your discreet handling of this embarrassing encounter will win the approval of a powerful executive. Don't be surprised when you're put in charge of a secret creative project. Not only will you do an excellent job with this venture, but you'll also cement the trust between you and your employer. Bigger and better assignments will be awarded to you.

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A practical handling of money allows you to splash out on some expensive household items. Recently, you've been very careful not to make impulse purchases. As a result, you've accumulated a nice lot of savings. This will allow you to take advantage of a big sale at your favourite store. Go ahead and splash out on a new bed, gorgeous artwork, or modern appliances. The things you buy will give you long term pleasure. They're totally worth the investment; enjoy them.

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You're determined to reach the height of success. That's why you're careful about the company you keep. By surrounding yourself with talented, accomplished people, you absorb lots of positive energy. You love being around talented people who are doing with they love. Some have lots of money, while others are radiantly happy. Either way, you benefit from these relationships. When a toxic individual tries to make their way into your social circle, you try discouraging their interest.

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Although you are extremely social, friends and relatives can sometimes drain your energy. When you become tired and irritable, it's important to sneak off to a secluded retreat. Only tell one or two discreet friends where you are going and how long you'll be away. The last thing you want is for a nosy person to disturb your peace. Visiting a place with beautiful vistas will be especially therapeutic. It feels good to look at the world from a lofty perch; it creates a sense of detachment.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely. Resist the urge to show an art project to a highly critical friend. You need someone to encourage you, not heap you with criticism. Many of your friends are secretly jealous of your talent. They become resentful whenever you show off a new labour of love. That's why it's so important to make mindful choices when requesting feedback. Seek the opinions of people who are satisfied in their own creative lives; avoid blocked artists like the plague.

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