
A memory prompts you to take a more rational approach to an upsetting situation. In the past, you tended to act before you thought. Now you're seeing the benefit of mulling over plans before putting them into practice. If you're looking for a new home, you could find one in the most unlikely place. Be open to checking out properties in an out-of-the-way neighbourhood. You will be pleasantly surprised.

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People have accused you of being stubborn and set in your ways. You have a golden opportunity to change that perception today. Reaching out to an offbeat neighbour will teach you a valuable lesson. This person can teach you the fine art of spontaneity. Don't be surprised if relationships with siblings and other close relatives improve, too. They're responding well to your compassion and generosity. Keep up the good work.

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Pursuing an unusual career path feels stimulating and challenging. You've never been the type to rest on your laurels. Whenever you reach a certain level of achievement, you feel compelled to move to higher ground. Your willingness to accept new challenges will result in a higher salary. That's because you've accumulated a lot of experience over the past few years. At last, your diverse background is working to your advantage.

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When it comes to trying new things, you try to get a lot of advance preparation. That may not be possible today, however. Don't hesitate to accept someone's generous offer, even if it means plunging into an area that is totally unfamiliar. You may find you actually have more success when you don't bother to think things through. In fact, you may put a creative new spin on an old art form. Enjoy.

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A close friend or romantic partner is encouraging you to spread your wings and fly. Venturing into the unknown can be terrifying, but it will also be exhilarating. Think about studying a subject that once interested you as a child. You may have been discouraged from pursuing this subject by well-meaning family members. Maybe they thought your dreams were impractical. They didn't take into your account your ability to spin straw into gold.

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Facing off with a rival allows you to say things that were burning you up inside. Normally, you prefer subverting painful emotions for the sake of preserving harmony. Today, you won't have any choice but to let your feelings come spilling out. Fortunately, you have an extensive social network from which to draw support. After the screaming and yelling is over, take comfort in the reassuring arms of a friend.

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Experimenting with alternative healing therapies can have surprising results. Never discount the power of the mind body connection. If you're feeling physically ill, explore your emotions. Consider whether you've been hiding from some painful truths. The sooner you come to terms with these facts, the better you'll feel. Introspective practices like yoga, meditation and tai chi can help you connect with your feelings. Don't be surprised if a nagging ache or pain ceases to plague you.

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A sudden romantic attraction comes as a total surprise to everyone involved. Normally, you gravitate towards practical, reliable types. Right now you feel a pull in the direction of a wild-eyed dreamer. If you're already in a relationship, this may be a sign you need to be more spontaneous with your committed partner. There is such a thing as having too much security. Scheduling a glamorous trip may be just what the doctor ordered.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Having the freedom to come and go as you please has always been a lifelong goal for you. Happily, this dream could become a reality with the help of a partner. Opening your own business will allow you to set your own hours and hire extra help. The going will be tough at first, but you'll relish your new found independence. Intimacy problems will be resolved once you embark on a more satisfying lifestyle.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Changing the way you communicate with a partner can have thrilling results. In the past, you may have been too forbidding to engage in a constructive conversation. Take this opportunity to turn over a new leaf today. Invite your loved ones to give you feedback on what you could be doing better as far as listening and speaking. Resist the urge to defend yourself. Just let the words sink in. A breakthrough is imminent.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Turn your innovative mind to creating a product that everyone can use and appreciate. This should be no trouble for you, as you're always mulling over solutions to problems. One of your bright ideas could be so powerful you'll be moved to put a patent on it. Why let your employer earn a profit from your genius when you can keep all that cash for yourself? You're especially adept at devising time-saving devices.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A desire for change and excitement could prompt you to take a trip or enrol on a course. You'll be surprised at how quickly all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place once you make a few initial inquiries. A child or lover may inspire you to develop your creative talents. Dancing, photography, poetry; any of these areas are worth exploring. You don't need to make money from your efforts. Just let them enrich your life.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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