
You could be given another chance to experience a life very different to the one you have now. Do you go for it or does the time and effort you've already put into improving your current situation make you reluctant to make any big changes. New offers could involve responsibilities that might seem beyond your capability. If you had nothing to lose you wouldn't hesitate about giving it a go. Your cautious attitude is all part of a growing maturity.

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Some relationships in your life seem too much like hard work; you can't see them continuing. If other people aren't putting in the effort you might wonder why you should! You and an old friend or lover may be slowly drifting apart. If there have been misunderstandings, think of all you will miss if you split up. But if there is no room for forgiveness, you will never move the relationship forward; it's time to call it a day.

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A small achievement will make you question whether you could have done better if you'd had more practice. Is there a part of you that hasn't been suitably utilised and is there a way in the future to develop this talent further? It may be because you've become so used to doing the kind of tasks intended only to meet other people's expectations you've lost touch with the hopes and ambitions which at one time used to drive you forward.

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Some people need to accept you have to learn to trust them first before you let them into your private life. If you're mixing in a new social circle or with a different set of colleagues, it will take you time to feel at ease. You might feel temporarily like a fish out of water but instinct will guide you to the people you're likely to get on best with leading you into waters you can handle. If you're single an intensely passionate relationship could result from an introduction made today.

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Living in fantasy land might be fun but reality is so much better; now is the time to look for ways to make your dreams come true. If life has become too much routine and not enough excitement, there is every chance you have been chasing the wrong goals. Start making plans now to pull yourself out of this rut. Set new aims and priorities and promise yourself you will stick to these in the future. Use initiative and imagination to find a way out of dull routine.

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Discovering a person is not who you thought they were could come as quite a shock to you. The closer they are to you, the harder the impact. It's entirely possible if you've known each other for some time, you have both changed without either really realising it. The bond between you has weakened for many reasons and the relationship seems to have taken its own course now. A heart to heart will help you both understand what is happening and then you can decide what your next move should be.

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Having to explain a recent decision or action might seem to put you at a disadvantage in a social or business situation. Even if you feel your behaviour was completely justified, there is someone who can't see it through your eyes and they want to hear a complete account of the incident. It doesn't matter who you are answering to: an awkward colleague, supercilious boss or moody friend, as long as you've gone with your conscience, nothing they can say will make you feel any different.

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Keep your cool when faced with another person's uncertainty; try to understand their fears. You might be a little anxious about how some things will turn out but the difference is you refuse to let your doubts stop you from moving forward. If you're honest in expressing how you feel you might be able to help others cope with their concerns too. There are some very real and practical things you can both do to keep you looking on the bright side.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A business or romantic partner seems bent on making life more complicated than it is. Instead of trying to see things through your eyes, they will only see what's in front of them. Some people would rather waste time blaming others than look for a solution to a difficulty. It might be a case of you having to go off on your own to resolve the matter and return with proof the situation wasn't as bleak as their mind was painting it!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Relationships are not likely to benefit in any way if you insist on keeping your thoughts and opinions locked inside. It might seem like going along with others to keep the peace is the best thing to do, but for whom? People aren't getting to know the real you and you aren't getting any satisfaction. You will notice a big difference in your relationships if you're more honest and direct in all your dealings.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Some moments in your life are so momentous and significant they deserve a little time to be experienced and enjoyed. When the odd ray of sunshine brightens your day and erases some of the earthly tedium, don't let it pass you by without you having acknowledged it. Set some time aside from your work and other commitments to enjoy this occasional drop of unexpected honey. Savour the moment and let it remind you life can be pleasurable too.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Anticipating what's to come makes a situation less alarming because you will feel more prepared to deal with it. Knowing what you're going to say beforehand helps you step into a room with confidence. Some possibilities you will have been ready for and you may even have taken precautionary measures to help avoid certain outcomes. For instance making sure a quarrelsome person isn't around when you put your views forward, so they don't get the chance to object or interfere!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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