
This isn't a good time to take risks, especially involving love. Resist the temptation to steer a platonic relationship into romantic waters. The object of your affection is far better suited to being your friend than your lover. A chance to raise your social profile will fall into your lap. Taking the helm of a powerful organisation is just the sort of challenge you need to take your mind off this crush. Apply for a government grant if you need to raise funds.

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It feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to attend to domestic chores. Part of the problem is you devote too much time to work. Scale back your schedule to prepare home cooked meals, tidy up your bedroom, or throw in a few loads of laundry. Your surroundings have always been a reflection of your emotional state. When you neglect your household, you start to suffer. Fortunately, your loved ones are poised to support your decision to spend more time at home.

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Information overload is making your head swim. You will benefit from unplugging yourself from the outside world for a few hours. Turn off your mobile, stay away from email, and keep off the social network. Turn your attention to some solitary activity that gives you pleasure, like reading or writing. Spending time with an attentive lover will also be fulfilling. Let your amour shower you with affection. Abandon yourself to a sensual massage or languorous lovemaking session.

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It's hard not to worry over finances. You have so many obligations, and it's challenging to make ends meet. Find a way to make your money work for you. For instance, selling your creative work will allow you to generate income by doing something you love. A well connected friend or colleague can help get your work into boutiques or galleries. Go ahead and ask for a favour. The worst that can happen is your request will be denied, but you'll probably be pleasantly surprised.

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You're tempted to contradict your best friend or lover's theories, but be careful. What begins as a playful argument will quickly escalate to an angry fight. Tempers are running high, and you must be aware of people's sensitivity. If you want to make inroads to an intimate relationship, offer the driver's seat to your loved one. Agree to go to a restaurant you don't enjoy, or see a movie that doesn't interest you. A little compromise goes a long way.

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It feels like you've been relegated to the sidelines, which is painful. You have a lot of wonderful ideas, but keep getting shouted down by a bunch of bullies. Fortunately, there's one member of the group who is really impressed with your resourceful approach. By letting this powerhouse take you under their wing, you'll get the recognition you deserve. In the meantime, take good care of your health. A nap, swim, or nature walk will keep anxiety at bay.

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Beware of revealing too much to an unreliable friend. You don't want your darkest secrets spilled to all and sundry. You're on the verge of a powerful emotional transformation and can't let anything stand in your way. As a child, you may have been discouraged from expressing your artistic side. Slowly but surely, you've worked past these fears and have begun to champion your imagination. Go ahead and design a fashion line, make a short film, or compose a piece of music.

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Don't worry too much about your reputation. You have to do what feels right, even at the risk of appearing selfish or vain. Relatives will have plenty to say about your plans. Ultimately, you should tune out these criticisms and stay focused on your goals. Enrolling in college, writing a book, and launching a website are all things you are considering. If you don't find a forum for your interests, you'll continue to feel as if you're spinning your wheels.

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Keep a close eye on the time, or you will miss an important appointment. Details have a way of slipping through the cracks. Part of the problem is you have your mind on a larger issue. You're worried about a relative or neighbour's reaction to a recent decision. While you'd like to make everybody happy, that simply isn't possible now. A noisy construction project or radical overhaul will cause lots of inconvenience, but it really can't be helped.

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Steer clear of controversial subjects, or you'll rub someone the wrong way. A repressed relative has no intention of discussing their feelings about sex, religion, or politics. Pressing the point will only cause an argument. If you want to make waves, channel your ideas into a creative project. That way, people won't feel personally attacked. You may not realise it, but everyone wants your approval. When they feel like you deride their beliefs, they get defensive.

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You're unusually indecisive. A partner's suggestion seems good, but you're not sure whether you want to take a creative risk. The prospect of putting your work on display is really scary. If you push past your fears and take the plunge, you'll get great publicity. It's also possible you will sell a couple of pieces. There's a lot more to you than meets the eye. By showing the full spectrum of your talent, you'll make important contacts who will help you branch out.

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Idle chitchat will undermine your productivity. There's lots to be done and even if the jobs aren't terribly important, you should finish them before the work week begins. Fill the pantry, return phone messages, and pay your bills. Once you get these odious chores out of the way, you can devote yourself to fun. An impromptu party will be lots of fun. Grab a six pack and head over to a pal's place. Secretly, you love having an audience for your quick wit.

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