
Be diplomatic with a business or romantic partner. Your other half isn't ready to hear the raw, unvarnished truth. By making an argument that appeals to their vanity, you'll convince them to avoid a serious mistake. Always keep their best interests in view. Working with an accomplished person is rewarding. You tend to be impractical when developing ideas. By teaming up with someone who can point out the flaws in your thinking, you'll be able to adopt a more sensible plan.

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Find ways to make work more pleasant. Creating a comfortable, inviting space to do your job will increase your productivity. If you can't make changes to your work area, think about starting your own business. Beautiful surroundings fuel your creativity. It's important to be methodical about your health. Eating junk food one day and salads the next will put your system in turmoil. Take time out of your busy schedule to prepare healthy meals for the days ahead. This will stop you from making bad choices when you're anxious.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You enjoy spoiling the object of your affection. Obey an impulse to buy your amour a gift. Whoever is romantically involved with you is extremely lucky. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a concert, play or movie. Approach someone who catches your eye. Pursuing a new hobby will be lots of fun. You've always had multiple interests. The more varied your leisure time, the happier you are. Work with an instructor who makes a game out of even the most tedious stages.

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Home is a haven from the outside world. Take this opportunity to tidy your surroundings. Entering an orderly, pleasant space after a long day of work will be therapeutic. Employing a cleaning service will deepen your appreciation of domestic life. Invest in contentment. If you're faced with an upsetting decision, decide now whilst you're able to see things logically. Rather than making a choice out of spite or anger, you'll be able to keep your best interests in view.

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Don't sink to the level of a tasteless rival. By keeping your tone respectful and dignified, you'll win the public's support. At times, it will be difficult to generate the same kind of excitement as your competitor. That will be a blessing in disguise. You're a charming conversationalist who makes friends effortlessly. If you're single, you'll easily find love at a party. Don't hesitate to chat up someone with an attractive glow. You'll feel an instant rapport. Do you have a partner? Shower them with compliments.

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Although you're pragmatic when it comes to money, you're also willing to spend money on pleasurable and social activities. Throwing a big party will be lots of fun. Don't skimp on the food and drink. Offering guests delectable refreshments will make this gathering successful. Negotiating a raise or big salary is a distinct possibility. It's impossible to argue with your logic. Instead of resorting to heavy handed tactics, you use humour and charm to get your way. You'll catch more flies with honey than you would with vinegar.

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You're naturally diplomatic and gracious. Finding solutions that work for all parties is one of your many special talents. Seize this opportunity to strike an agreement or draw up a contract. Even the points of contention will be easily resolved thanks to your social skills. You're very good at getting your ideas across. This is a wonderful time to give a professional presentation or show off your creative ability. If you're a performing artist, go on as many auditions as possible.

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Working with others is sometimes challenging for you. You have strong feelings about professional and creative collaborations. Operating by committee always weakens the product. If you're going to be successful, it's better to be in a position where you can operate independently. When faced with an important decision, trust your intuition. The facts are telling you to take the sensible path, but your heart is urging you to go in a different direction. Obey that feeling in your gut; it won't let you down.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're able to bring different people together in a spirit of harmony. Instead of dwelling on their varying needs, you focus on the common good. As a result, the team puts aside their conflicts and operates in a spirit of cooperation. Plan to realise a childhood dream. You're tired of doing what is responsible and predictable. Reaching for the stars will give you an attractive glow that is hard to resist. People will be eager to help you on this quest.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The secret to your success is a careful weighing of the facts. Rather than making impulsive decisions, you tend to look at problems from every angle. Talking to the people affected by a potential change will be helpful. It helps you to make effective policies that benefit everyone. Making a public presentation will attract fame and acclaim. Your audience appreciates your dry humour. Instead of boring everyone with lots of facts and figures, you intersperse interesting information with well-timed jokes. You will be asked to give future talks.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A strong sense of justice informs everything you do. Take this opportunity to stand up for someone who is being treated like a scapegoat. Your angry defence of this victim will cause their bullies to back off and change their strategy. A teaching opportunity will fall into your lap. Working with advanced students will be a pleasure. Their energy and enthusiasm will give you a new lease on life. This experience could even inspire you to write a book or take a well-earned holiday.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Financial gain will arrive through a partnership or collaboration. Use this windfall to enjoy some cultural diversions. Going to an expensive concert or play will be lots of fun. You'll especially enjoy getting dressed up to attend this event. Shop for an eye-catching outfit. Learning how to improve your finances is a worthy goal. Whether this involves taking a money management or personal investment course is immaterial. The important thing is to delve into a subject that is both mysterious and fascinating.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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