
Be bold and distinguish yourself from the crowd. In the past, brash behaviour got you in trouble. Now it will draw positive attention. People admire your willingness to say things as you see them. You won't sit idly by while a powerful individual takes advantage of those on the fringes of society. By championing the rights of the underdog, you'll gain a tremendous following. Maybe this is something you might think about taking up as a full time commitment.

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Taking control of your life is imperative to happiness. Although you've always had a great deal of respect for your elders, they don't know what is best for you. Developing your own moral code will help you make good choices about how to conduct your life. Pursuing a particular line of work, surrounding yourself with certain kinds of friends and living in a special area will bring out the best in you. Just because your relatives have done things a certain way for years does not mean you should.

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This is a great time to peddle your goods at a car boot. You'll make a lot of money on things you no longer use. Put these earnings towards a trip you've been longing to take. Visiting an ultra-modern metropolis will get your own creative juices flowing. If you're ever wanted to write music or stories, you should begin now. You'll get lots of inspiration from the unusual sights and sounds you encounter on your journey. There's nothing like leaving home to get wonderful ideas.

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Your confidence is on the rise, along with your bank account. Assuming leadership of an unconventional group of people will be rewarding, both personally and professionally. Encourage innovators with offbeat ideas about doing business. Offering an unusual product or service will make lots of money for everyone. You're less concerned about imposing arbitrary rules and more focused on generating impressive results. It's no wonder you're much more successful than your rivals.

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Your powerful charisma attracts admirers at every turn. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with someone at a theatre, gallery or concert. Cultured people and cultural settings at all levels will have an attraction for you now. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour is poised to give you a beautiful surprise. Make sure to show your gratitude. Sometimes you act as though lavish offerings are only your due. A heartfelt thank you could pave the way for a passionate encounter.

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If you want to get something done, do it yourself. Relying on others will result in bitter disappointment. Fortunately, you're one of the most capable people around. Don't be afraid to tackle a job you've never dispatched before. You'll be wonderfully successful. After completing this project, give yourself a big reward. Go on a book shopping trip. Treat yourself to some luxurious stationery. Sign up for an expensive course. Do something special to celebrate your sharp intellect.

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Normally, you're willing to uphold order. Now you feel like breaking the rules. Teaming up with an adventurous friend will be lots of fun. Accept their offer to take a trip to a developing country. You'll have a wonderful time experiencing a different way of life. Instead of focusing on how you look and what to buy, you'll be able to enjoy simpler pleasures. Give yourself permission to go with the flow rather than follow a rigid timetable. It will be liberating.

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Making a bold career move is strongly advised. You're no longer content to staying in a dead end job. Applying for an executive position will give you a chance to capitalise on your organisational ability. You will fare best in an industry that has an element of glamour. Hospitality, film or fashion may be calling your name. If none of these areas appeal to you, think about running for public office. Your resourceful work methods will be very popular.

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Before beginning a new project, finish an old one. The prospect of spending more time on this work makes you tired and dispirited. Push yourself past the finish line. If you don't, you will always regret it. Abandoning goals can grow into a nasty habit. You don't want to be one of those people who always has great ideas, but fails to follow through on them. The good news is you've made fantastic progress. Just a little more effort will bring this venture to a successful conclusion.

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Investing in your own happiness is important. You work hard to meet your financial responsibilities. Make sure to spend some of your hard earned money on things that make you happy. Going on a luxurious holiday, getting a spa treatment or splashing out on new clothes will lift your spirits. If anyone dares criticise your extravagant taste, tell them to mind their own business. Everyone knows you're one of the most reliable people around. Enjoy a few of life's little luxuries.

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A close relationship benefits from honest communication. In the past, you were punished by sensitive people for being too open about your feelings. Now you've learned to temper your thoughts with kind words. As a result, you can assert your needs without hurting your amour's feelings. In addition, you're able to get a clear picture of what your partner wants from you. When in doubt, ask for guidance. Your loved one will be happy to explain exactly what they need to feel adored and supported.

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Working overtime or taking a second job will expand your skillset. The more you know, the easier it will be to land lucrative assignments. You're a free spirit who doesn't especially enjoy a conventional career. You prefer being your own boss. Although your income isn't steady, it's enough to pay your bills and enjoy a few luxuries. Best of all, you are able to set your own schedule so you can take the occasional day off to enjoy beautiful weather or recuperate from a late evening out.

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