
Beware of a tendency to idealise your friends or you could be talked into a plan that goes against everything you believe. Normally, you have no trouble withstanding peer pressure. Today could prove a little different, particularly when dealing with someone who has a soft, seductive voice. This isn't a good time to go on a blind date, as you could be looking at your love interest through rose tinted glasses.

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You're no longer content with a routine job; you need a career to satisfy your soul. Some people will call your dream unrealistic, but it doesn't have to be. Getting the necessary training will take time, money, and effort, but it can be done. Besides, there's no better way to devote your energy, considering how many hours you spend on the job. If you have a high powered position, you may be entertaining the thought of taking a pay cut in order to do more spiritually satisfying work.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Raising your inner consciousness through prayer, meditation, or spiritual practices is becoming increasingly attractive and appealing. You've always been an ultra-logical person, refusing to put your faith in people or concepts without good reason. Lately you've started to consider whether there's something invisible that binds us all together. If you have a friend who is spiritually inclined, you may want to find out more about their beliefs.

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Money matters are shrouded in mystery and it may be impossible to get an answer out of a significant other regarding their spending habits. Alternatively, you may have problems getting hold of certain bank documents. This should be a red flag. Being more vigilant about money will save you lots of trouble and heartache in the long run. It's also important you're properly insured in case of emergency. Do a little independent research as to how much coverage you need.

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It may feel as though you can read a business or romantic partner's mind; unspoken communication rules the day. In fact, stating your needs could break the magic spell that seems to have been cast upon the two of you. If you have a specific question, table it until tomorrow. Any answer you receive now will be quickly reversed. Neither one of you is thinking logically now, and may make unrealistic promises. Going on a first date? Have a good time, but take things slowly.

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Trust your intuition with regard to work as it may be necessary to break the rules in order to accommodate a special case. Be sure to notify your superior as soon as this happens to avoid future trouble. At first, your boss may be angered by your perceived insubordination, but in time, he or she will realise you did the right thing. Maintain a low profile and wait for things to blow over. You can release stress and let off steam with a little outdoor exercise.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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In the past, you've resented not having enough time for your favourite activity. Today you realise you can enjoy this hobby, providing you change your priorities. Stop putting chores at the top of your 'To Do' list all of the time. Set aside a certain time each week to enjoy things like reading, writing, painting, or dancing. Not only will you feel happier in general, but you'll start taking pleasure in work related duties. Miracles can happen!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You may not be sure where you're going to live in the near future. An arrangement that seemed rock solid could be showing signs of strain. Before going into panic mode, take a few moments and consider how this could be a blessing in disguise. Make a list of all the traits you'd like your new place to have. The more specific you are about your needs, the easier it will be to find a home to meet your needs.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A lack of conviction could cause problems. You have a hard time making decisions, and everyone's suggestions seem good, even ones that contradict each other! Wait until tomorrow to make a choice. You'll be thinking much more clearly then. Be compassionate towards a neighbour or relative who has been trying your patience. They have recently received disturbing news. Tread carefully and don't be offended if they bite your head off for some innocent remark.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've been accused of being ultra-materialistic in the past, but that certainly isn't true today. Devoting your time and energy to a good cause will put to rest any speculation that all you care about is money. It's possible you've developed a reputation for being obsessed with wealth because you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. Instead of endlessly talking about the world's problems, you're out trying to fix them, albeit quietly. Keep a low profile and you can work wonders.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't be afraid to ask for help because being willing to receive kindness is just as important as bestowing it on others. When you make yourself vulnerable to others, you open the door for intimacy. Although you've always been capable of handing your own problems, this can make you feel isolated. Reach out to somebody who seems interested in getting to know you better. Share a problem with a trusted friend, but don't let down your defences or you could develop a hard heart.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's best to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, especially with regard to artistic matters. People who lack your vision could be bewildered or even angered by your ideas. By developing these concepts in private, you'll make far better progress. If somebody asks for your opinion, know that he or she really wants to be flattered. It's better to be tactful than saying what you really think if you want to keep this relationship intact.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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