
Emotional eating could get you in a lot of trouble. You've got to find better ways to deal with deep seated issues. The next time you catch yourself reaching for an unhealthy snack, ask yourself why. Is it because you're really hungry, or is it due to another kind of craving? Filling your life with more productive pursuits - sports, art, and games of skill - can help you shed pounds. It's possible you need counselling for something which has haunted you since childhood.

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Your love for someone younger prompts you to make a big change. Getting advanced professional training will improve your chances for getting a good job. The more financially stable you are, the easier it will be to provide for those you love. If you aren't a parent, you may know someone who can benefit from your expertise. Take them under your wing and show them the finer points of painting, writing, gardening, or whatever other hobby you adore.

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A generous benefactor could provide you with funds for an expensive household item. Whether you are given a gift or granted a loan is immaterial. The important thing is to show your gratitude. It's never easy for you to accept generosity from others. You'd rather be independent. Still, you have to admit this token is a welcome addition. Shake off your pride and write a sincere thank you note. It's the least you can do, under the circumstances.

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A charismatic person helps you come to terms with an emotional issue. You've been looking at the world through suspicious eyes. It's time to stop imagining the worst case scenario all of the time. Look towards the future with renewed hope or you could miss a golden opportunity. Taking a course or going on a short trip will put you on the path to love, luck, and money. Be ready to take a risk. It will pay off, provided you surmount your fears.

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Your feelings towards a particular financial issue are undergoing a big change. All of a sudden, it's not so important to own a certain status symbol or live in a particular area. Learning to enjoy what you have has made you much happier. Of course, you'll always appreciate the finer things in life. Still, the constant craving you've experienced will start to subside. Don't be surprised if people start asking if you are in love or have lost weight.

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Developing your creative talent should be your first order of business. It's time to put them to work, even if it means making some short term financial sacrifices. In the past, you may have given up on a dream for the sake of personal security. Now it's more dangerous to play it safe. For your own peace of mind and happiness you need to ditch anyone or anything that is holding you back and stopping you fulfilling your full potential.

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Trust your instincts when it comes to a family matter. You've got to confront a relative who keeps trying to manipulate you. Stop feeling guilty for something that's not your fault. We're all responsible for our own mistakes. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be to get on with your own life. If this isn't enough to convince you, consider how their antics have affected your personal life. Your loved ones have been robbed of valuable time with you.

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Strong beliefs could prompt you to make a strange alliance. Although you've always looked at someone with distaste, you can't help but admire their skills. By joining forces, you could reform a formidable institution. Someone who has taken advantage of their power and position needs to be stopped. If you do the research and your friends do the legwork, you can bring them down. You can be the David who brings Goliath down if you have faith in yourself.

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If you do what you love, the money will follow. It's time to put all of your resources behind a project which is dear to your heart. At first, the results may not be impressive. Remain patient. Over time, the seeds you plant will bear fruit. Onlookers may jeer at your efforts, but you'll have the last laugh. An investment in green technology could pay off handsomely. You have a good sense of what products will be cheap to manufacture and easy to use.

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You can reach new heights if you put your mind to it. Although you hate venturing into unfamiliar territory, it is a wise course of action. You won't learn anything new if you stay in the same place all of the time. Learning a new language, taking up a musical instrument, or living abroad are all worth thinking about. Be prepared to get resistance from some loving friends. It's not that they lack faith in you. It's just they're afraid of losing you.

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Follow your sixth sense when it comes to amour. Someone close wants to get even closer but is having problems putting their feelings into words. You need to work to earn their trust. Instead of engaging in mind games, be forthright and honest. Admit you have a crush. Don't be upset if your feelings aren't immediately affirmed. Rome wasn't built in a day. Approach your relationship like you would build a beautiful work of lasting beauty.

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Friends in high places can put you on the path to love. If somebody offers to set you up on a blind date, accept. This could be a very pleasurable evening. If you already have a romantic partner, arrange to go out with your amour's friends. You may not like them, but you need to respect them or your partner will always feel torn. It's up to you to mend this rift. Fortunately, you can find common ground with virtually anyone.

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