
You want to establish a solid foundation, but aren't sure how to proceed. Make following your dreams your first priority, and everything else will fall into place. Whether that means finding a job that will allow you to pursue your goals, or making necessary adjustments to your home life is immaterial. Once you know where you're going, you'll stop feeling so vulnerable. Lean on your loved ones for support.

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Striving to improve your skills will open new doors for you. This may seem a little obvious, but sometimes you get so wrapped up in your dreams that you forget how to turn them into practical realities. Stop putting off going back to college or getting a certificate that will advance your career. If you've had trouble with such endeavours before, it may have been because you were studying with the wrong person.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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It's difficult to maintain a healthy balance between giving and receiving. If you feel as though someone has been taking advantage of your generosity, start making some demands on them. Conversely, if you think you've been too self-centred with a particular friend, ask what you can do to help them. It's all a matter of stepping back and assessing your relationships objectively. A few minor adjustments are necessary.

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You really want to be accepted by an impressive authority figure, but aren't sure how to win their friendship. You may want to begin by demonstrating your own leadership abilities. You're extremely good at uplifting and inspiring the people around you. If that means taking a different approach to your work, so be it. Eventually, your innovative ways will reach the ears of the intended target. Be strong and take some risks!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You're feeling a little insecure right now, and could be consumed by worry. Keep your anxieties at bay by plunging into work. Keeping busy will cause your self-confidence to rise, and make your nagging fears seem like mere trifles by the end of the day. If you feel weak and jittery, you may want to put some time in at the gym. A vigorous workout could drain all the stress that has built up.

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You're starting to have lots of unjustifiable doubts about your abilities. Maybe it's because you're surrounded by so many talented people. It's perfectly all right to admire other peoples' work, so long as you remember that you're extremely gifted, too. Stop brushing away compliments as if they were annoying flies. By accepting this well-deserved praise, you'll stop feeling unworthy. Devoting more time to your favourite activities can help, too.

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You may be giving your superiors a little too much respect right now. Just because somebody has more experience doesn't mean that they know what is right for you. If you strongly disagree with an authority figure's opinion, go your own way. Yes, this may attract their disapproval, but there are worse things than annoying others. Going against your conscience will give you far more trouble than blindly following orders.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Putting your ideas before the public is scary, but it's worth doing. Don't worry if a few people criticise your work; it will be well received for the most part. Besides, you could be given some really valuable feedback. Be open to any comments that could potentially improve your presentation. Adopting other people's concepts isn't stealing; it's a method of perfecting your work. Remember the lessons you were taught as a child.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You want to change certain things about your life, but may be too tired to make an attempt today. Stop putting all this pressure on yourself. You'll make a move when you're ready. Right now, you've got to focus on recharging your batteries. Stay away from people who undermine your confidence and drain your energy. By the end of the month, you'll be back to your energetic self. In the meantime, keep a low profile.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You thrive on challenges, especially ones designed to improve your lifestyle. Being a more caring and attentive listener will cause your relationships to blossom and grow. The next time you have a conversation, keep your remarks to a minimum. This will help you focus on what is being said, and allow you to make thoughtful and insightful responses. Resist the urge to interrupt at all costs; it makes you look bad.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Putting good ideas into practice is half the battle right now. You have a tendency to procrastinate right now. Break the cycle by making a list of three things you can do today to move closer to a goal. You'll build more and more momentum as you finish each chore. If you're feeling really sluggish, play some of your favourite music from childhood. This should put the spring back into your step again.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Mixing with friends is lots of fun, but it's preventing you from doing work that needs to be finished. Before scheduling another night on the town, focus on completing one job that has been a constant source of trouble. The sooner you get this thing out of the way, the better. A child may be misbehaving to get attention and you will have to handle them with care and not give in to emotional blackmail.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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