
Flattery will get you everywhere. Use it to get favours and special treatment. If you have a crush on someone, express an interest in their favourite artist, musician or sport. Ask plenty of questions and listen with rapt attention. Soon you will be inseparable. This is also a good time to apply for a grant, loan or scholarship. Be as thorough as possible when filling out forms. If you're not sure about how a question should be answered, contact the organisation in question.

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Signing a contract will yield financial and emotional security. You're not the type who likes to venture into the unknown. Having a reliable source of income will allow you to rest, relax and enjoy your leisure time. Don't be surprised when your creativity soars as a result of this deal. Returning to an abandoned project will be empowering. Putting the finishing touches on this job will attract fame and acclaim. Get ready for your close up. You're long overdue for some positive publicity.

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Keeping busy makes you happy. While everyone else is lazing around, you'll be running errands, returning phone calls and dispatching jobs with amazing efficiency. By the end of the day, you'll have a completely clear schedule. At that point, give yourself the gift of leisure. Curl up with a good book, take a nature walk or commune with a beloved pet. Resist the temptation to do someone else's chores. If you keep pushing yourself, you'll crash and burn. Balance work with play.

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Your playful side is coming out. Turn a deaf ear to people who complain about your immaturity. You're a free spirit who won't be reined in by stuffy cynics. When you allow your youthful side to take over, it becomes much easier to take risks. Ask someone on a date, change your look or try a new sport. Embarking on a new adventure will give you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when someone who was always indifferent to your charm becomes totally enraptured.

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Your sentimental side is showing. This is a great time to assemble a photograph album or make a computerised slide show. If you're far from kin, start organising a family reunion. Select a location that is centrally located so everyone can easily meet. Arrange activities that will bring all generations together in a spirit of harmony. Don't be surprised when a relative gives you a beautiful heirloom. Display this treasure in a place where you will always appreciate it.

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Pursuing a new course of study will give you an attractive glow. You've been blessed with a strong intellect. Find ways to feed it. Reading about your favourite artist, historical period or scientific field will make you more creative in other areas of your life. Don't be surprised when you reach professional heights that were previously unattainable. You have hidden dimensions that can only be discovered when you push yourself to learn and grow.

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Splashing out on luxuries will give you a lift. Nobody appreciates beautiful merchandise like you. When it comes to making purchases, choose things that will give you lasting pleasure. If you're not sure whether you really want something, walk out of the store and wait a few hours. Any item that tugs at your heart is worth buying. Are you overdue for a raise? Put together a presentation that is well fortified with examples of all your professional accomplishments.

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Don't deny yourself pleasure. It's important to indulge your sensual side. When you don't, you become irritable. Take this opportunity to splash out on new clothes. Soak in a scented bath. Get a massage. Enjoy a long nap. Do whatever your heart desires. If anyone dares complain you aren't working hard enough, maintain a stony silence. You're incredibly intimidating, especially when you're quiet. Anyone who has become too reliant on you needs to be more self sufficient.

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A passionate love affair is a source of deep happiness. Don't feel compelled to put your relationship on display. Spending some quiet time together in a private hideaway is strongly advised. You've always been deeply affected by other people's opinion. When it comes to romance, only one person's opinion matters. Are you single? You could meet someone special in a gourmet restaurant, garden or art society and they will stir some potent, powerful emotions that haven't seen the light of day for ages.

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Operating as a part of a team will be lots of fun. You enjoy developing good ideas with similarly creative people. Let the visionaries focus on the big picture while you attend to the small details. Without you, this project would have a slapdash quality. Don't hesitate to fine tune any elements that don't meet with your standards of perfection. Be sure to attend the party to celebrate the culmination of your work. You'll have lots more fun than you expect.

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Making friends with an authority figure will improve your career prospects. Your warmth, generosity and tenacity will come in handy with a high profile job. Be prepared to perform some menial tasks in the early stages. In the past, you let stubborn pride undermine your success. You've learned your lesson since then. By establishing yourself as a good team player, you'll also win the support of your colleagues and make it easy for you to be the top performer in the organisation.

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You're tired of the old routine. Fortunately, you have an opportunity to get a change of scenery. Travelling to a mysterious land will lift your spirits. Although you never enjoy leaving home, it's important to expand your horizons. Console yourself with the knowledge that your domestic life will seem even more enriching upon your return. If you are single, you could meet someone special on this journey. Keep your ears open for someone with an attractive accent.

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