
Circumstances beyond your control make you assume unwanted responsibilities. Right now, it feels as though you're the only one who is shouldering burdens. Colleagues and family members are unwilling or incapable of pulling their weight. No wonder you feel so overwhelmed! Give yourself a break when emotional storm clouds start to gather. Go out and get some exercise. Your mental and physical health are intricately connected; when one starts to waver, strengthen the other.

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Indulging your personal pleasures is difficult when you're struggling with money shortages. Rather than focusing on what you lack, concentrate on what you have. Give yourself the gift of time instead of an expensive purchase. Take a few hours for yourself after work. Read a book, rent a movie, or fix something special for dinner. Soak in a hot tub. Take a nap. In short, do things designed to replenish your spirits.

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Becoming more self-sufficient is a scary prospect right now. It's so much easier relying on someone else's strength. Unfortunately, this person may not be available to you now. Do your relationship a favour by venturing out of your comfort zone. Start performing jobs that your partner ordinarily assumes. If you lack basic skills, acquire them now. This will take pressure off of your friend and cause your self-esteem to soar.

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Your current surroundings are causing you a great deal of strain. It hurts your feelings when colleagues don't make any effort to see where you're coming from. In fact, it may seem that certain people are wilfully misunderstanding you. Instead of trying to force the issue, go your own way. Stop looking to others to affirm your worth. The first step towards building strong relationships is to be your own best friend.

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You're naturally playful, but it's a mistake to relax while others are busy working. If you want to be valued, you're going to have to contribute more to a group effort. Whether this involves making a personal sacrifice or relieving somebody else's burdens is immaterial. The important thing is you demonstrate that you are willing to put your own needs aside for the sake of a greater good. Summon your self-discipline.

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The competition may be a little stiff today, so don't be overly confident about your abilities. Keep up the hard work, even if it means postponing fun plans. Don't worry; you'll have a chance to let down your hair later in the month, but just now you've got to push past the limitations that have been imposed on you. Family members are especially determined that you stay in the same role. Swim against the tide.

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You may have to risk unpopularity for the sake of upholding your values. If a friend or loved one asks your opinion, be honest. Don't look the other way at their transgressions. In the past, this person has come to you to soothe their guilty conscience. Stop enabling their bad behaviour by pretending it doesn't really matter. Tell this person where you stand, even if it means being critical. Friendship needs an honest foundation.

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It's hard not to be intimidated by somebody who is obviously very wealthy. If you take a closer look at this person you'll notice some cracks in their flawless appearance. There's a reason why your friend is making such a grand show of their status symbols. They act as a substitute for a huge emotional void. Take this opportunity to reflect on precious intangibles like friends, family, and good health.

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Concentrating on career objectives may be difficult right now. That's because you're not sure that your current job is serving your needs and while your discontent may be temporary, it's important to give your concerns the time and respect they deserve. Is there another path you'd like to take? If so, make a plan to switch gears. Just writing down possible steps will give you a greater sense of direction.

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Doing favours for others is admirable, but there should be a limit to your generosity. Otherwise, you run the risk of neglecting your own needs. Don't be afraid to turn down someone's request for help if it's inconvenient. It's even permissible to say no for the sake of catching up on sleep. Recently, you've been running yourself ragged with everybody else's errands. Start serving yourself for a change. You're overdue for a treat.

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Just because you lack money doesn't mean your dreams are lost. Explore other avenues for financing a cherished plan. Applying for a loan, grant, or scholarship can turn the tide in your favour. So can waking up an hour earlier to work on a pet project. The more time and energy you devote to this endeavour, the closer you will draw to your ultimate goal. Make a list of practical steps you must take.

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It's important to examine your definition of success to see whether it suits your needs or not. Sometimes it's easy to be distracted by people with flashy status symbols and glamorous-sounding jobs. Sure, their lifestyles seem impressive, but would you really be comfortable doing the same things? You need work that satisfies you on both a creative and spiritual level. If that means taking an unconventional path, so be it.

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