
Establishing healthy habits is essential if you're going to thrive for the next two years. Following a regular exercise routine, paying careful attention to your diet, and getting sufficient sleep are essential parts of the puzzle. It may feel as though you're being unfairly scrutinised at work. Maybe there won't be enough staff to handle existing business, and you'll be forced to put in extra hours. Finding competent employees could be another source of trouble.

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Leisure time may be hard to find over the next two years. Therefore, it's important to spend it wisely. Cutting down on television viewing will give you more time to spend on fulfilling hobbies like gardening, craft work, and cooking. Stop taking your creative talents for granted. It's not too late to pursue an interest in music, art, or dance. If a love affair has grown stale, make more demands of your amour. Sometimes the best way to get respect is to expect it.

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You're starting to reassess who you really are. Just because you were brought up with certain beliefs doesn't mean you need to adhere to them now. Cast a glance around your home and decide what you really need to thrive. It's possible all of this soul searching will result in a dramatic style transformation within the next two years. Get rid of any furnishings or decor that no longer express the real you. Buying a home may be an arduous but worthwhile process.

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Pessimism or worry could become an increasing problem for the next two years. Be conscious of how your thinking can affect your mood. Reciting positive affirmations can make you less vulnerable to depression. If you've ever wanted to learn a foreign language or master a musical instrument, this would be an ideal time. Acquiring this skill won't be easy, but it will lend a sense of empowerment. It could also result in a higher paycheque by the end of 2009.

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Taking stock of your finances is important between now and 2009. You may find you have to work twice as hard to make the money you need. Becoming more resourceful will give you more breathing room. All of a sudden, things that seemed like necessities will become wasteful fripperies. You'll be thrilled to discover you don't really need a lot of money to be happy. Putting your energy towards meaningful projects will keep your head above water.

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You may be feeling your age over the next two years. Snapping back from late nights won't be as easy as it has in the past. Furthermore, the interests you had as a child may not seem nearly as compelling. You're embarking on a new cycle, and it will feel uncomfortable at times. Your mission is to adopt a lifestyle that feels authentic. Whether this means changing jobs, going to therapy, or losing weight is up to you.

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Facing your demons will be something of a challenge between now and late 2009. It's time to explode myths that have been holding you back from love, financial success, or spiritual contentment. A painful subject you've been avoiding won't stay under the rug any longer. Getting treatment for an addiction or undergoing therapy are good possibilities now. You may be tempted to isolate yourself from others over the next two years.

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Be on the lookout for false friends over the next two years. These people may offer advice out of alleged concern for you. Actually, these helpers will be operating from selfish motives. You're being challenged to distinguish the people who truly love you from opportunists. Although this can be a painful process, it will be ultimately rewarding. There's no reason you should spend time with others who don't really care for you. Remember: the company you keep is a reflection of your values.

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You're beginning to realise the limitations of your chosen career; perhaps you're tired of sacrificing your personal life for your job. Maybe you've become disenchanted with the direction your industry has taken. It's even possible you'll be prompted to launch your own business. If you've been working hard towards a particular goal, you could receive an award or promotion which makes you feel like you've reached the pinnacle of your job. In this situation, you need to make a whole new set of plans.

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Travelling for business may be an ongoing theme between now and late 2009. Alternatively, you may decide to take a job overseas. Further education to get an advanced degree is another option. It's almost certain your course of study will relate to career goals. Yes, it will take time, money, and effort to reach your goal, but all the sacrifice will be worth it. Getting specific about your spiritual beliefs will become increasingly important. Comparing and contrasting philosophies can be helpful.

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Empty sexual encounters will become a thing of the past - at least for the next two years. You'll become much more selective about whom you share your physical side. If a sexual dysfunction flares up, get professional treatment. You could find a medical expert who clears up the problem with a simple, effective approach. A legal battle over an inheritance may be more trouble than it is worth. Decide whether you really want to exchange valuable energy for material possessions.

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The next two years will be a test of all of your close relationships. Don't let problems fester during this time, or you could do irrevocable damage to an otherwise healthy partnership. Going to couple's counselling will give you both an opportunity to voice your concerns in a constructive way. Learning how to argue with kindness and compassion could be the most valuable skill you'll acquire during this critical period.

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