
People have a way of letting you down. At times like this, you're tempted to fly away to a desert island, where nobody will be around to bother you. Unfortunately, this isn't an option right now. You have to work with the team in order to realise your goals. An oppressive authority figure is at the root of your problem. Gather the group together to confront this bully or the bullying will continue, leaving everyone miserable. Back up your complaints with concrete examples.

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You're sorely tempted to abandon a cherished goal. Friends and family think this impulse is perfectly crazy, and they may be right. Just because you've had some disappointments doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towel. Turn your focus elsewhere. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a movie or shopping spree while an important decision looms. Sometimes a little diversion is all that's necessary to put the world back in proper perspective. Your favourite sport or pet demands your attention!

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Your industry of choice is experiencing some terrific ups and downs. Some days, you think your job could be wiped out of existence. If this is the case, you need to cast your eye around for another line of work. Fortunately, you're among the most versatile signs in the zodiac. A close friend who enjoys a great deal of professional success has good advice for you. Restrain your impulsive side with someone who has a bad track record with relationships.

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Trying to fit some social norm is chafing on your conscience. You're tired of modelling your life after some empty example. Moving abroad, converting to a different religion, and changing your lifestyle are things you might be considering, but don't make any drastic moves right now. You need to find a way to reconcile people's expectations with your own desires. This may mean finding a good job that appeals to your creative side.

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Your wild side is crying out for expression. Before you go off and do something dangerous or irresponsible, consider the effect your behaviour will have on a loved one. Do they really deserve to be hurt because you are bored? Channel your passion into a productive arena, like a creative endeavour or sport. Whipping your body into shape will give you something to focus on. It will also boost your sex appeal, attracting willing victims to your bedroom.

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The old ways aren't serving a partnership any longer; the two of you need to sit down and reassess your goals. If you're open and honest with each other, you can come up with a new agreement that serves you both better. Single? You may be driving prospective lovers away with your headstrong attitude. Adopting a 'take it or leave it' attitude makes people feel undervalued and unloved. Try being a little more accommodating, if only for the sake of love.

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As much as a work arrangement annoys you, it's important to get on with it. Your professional reputation is at stake. Finish out the terms of your contract and then move on to bigger and better things. If you decide to quit, give your employer two weeks of advance notice. That way, you won't be leaving anybody in the lurch. Taking an evening class will put you in line for a better sort of career. Your teacher may be a bit officious, but it's what you need to get motivated.

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You're sick and tired of having to curtail pleasure for the sake of work. Unfortunately, your boss needs you to spend as much time on the job as possible, probably because of a staffing shortage. This causes you to be irritable and short tempered. You might even say something cruel to an unwitting victim. Be ready to make a heartfelt apology if you do say something unfortunate. People shouldn't have to suffer for your bad mood.

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You're suffering from an identity crisis. Perhaps it is the result of a recent break up, job loss, or relocation. Whatever the reason, you need to examine the benefits of your situation. Now you no longer have social trappings to cling to, you can reinvent yourself. Becoming more active and spending more time out of doors will give you a new lease on life. An adventurer like you shouldn't spend too much time cooped up in a stuffy office.

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People aren't ready for your radical views, so you should probably keep your ideas to yourself. Beware of using crude language in front of socially uptight people. Their attitude is prudish, but they have their good points, too. Besides, you'll soon need their support with a group endeavour. Working in solitude allows you to finish a job in record time. If you have a few hours to kill, spend them on a pleasurable activity like reading, writing, or walking the dog.

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If there's anything you hate, it's selling out. When somebody asks you to compromise your principles for the sake of a profit, you become enraged. While your instincts are sound, they can also prevent you from creating the financial stability you and your family need. Choose your battles carefully, or you'll cause your loved ones to suffer. Blowing off steam with friends after work will give you a more balanced perspective.

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The sooner you accept that you won't get your way, the easier life will be. Rebelling against authority will result in disaster. You're better off doing what you are told, at least for the time being. You will get a chance to strike in a new direction, but right now, you need to err on the side of stability. Fortunately, you're very productive when you are focused. Nobody can accuse you of slacking off when they see how much you've accomplished.

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