
Making headway in a relationship becomes easier as the Moon trines Jupiter. Resist the urge to align yourself with people whose ideas are similar to yours. The only way you'll learn something new is to enter a social circle that is strange and unfamiliar. Reserve judgement; you're here to watch, listen and take it all in.

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The best way to prove your worth to an organisation is through responsible actions. If somebody gives you an order, carry it out without complaint. Feel free to ask for further instructions if you're unclear how to proceed, though. You'll earn more respect than if you carried out your duties incorrectly or carelessly.

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If you haven't found the person of your dreams yet, get out and circulate. Resist the urge to put on an act for a particularly attractive love interest. You'll only have a shallow, superficial relationship this way. Your real personality should be enough to sustain a loving bond. Be your chatty, quirky self to be loved and adored.

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Do you feel like you are at the end of your tether? Then spend your time helping those less fortunate than you. You can actually make things worse by dwelling on your problems. Getting involved with a worthy cause will boost your self esteem, because you'll become aware of how much you have to offer and can be a force for good.

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You're starting to question the way you were raised. There's no point in second guessing your upbringing. The fact is, you have control over your destiny so now do the best with what you have. Be receptive to any and all opportunities that are presented by a friend. Your luck turns up in the strangest places so keep your options open.

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Your mental powers are stronger than ever, allowing you to sniff out deception in your place of work. Don't reveal what you know to others just yet. By keeping this information to yourself, you'll have a valuable trump card to play later on. Meanwhile, steer clear of manipulative, treacherous types that will do anything to get ahead.

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You've got a talent for spotting people who can open doors for you. Flattery will get you everywhere right now, so be sure to lay on the charm with eccentric authority figures. Unorthodox methods work best with a person who is unfamiliar with your social circle. Tap your creative spirit if you want to get ahead and be recognised as a talent.

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An offer of help could pull you out of a tight spot. Learn how to accept assistance with grace; that self-sufficiency act doesn't fool anybody. If you want to know where this stubborn attitude stems from, look back on your childhood. Were you expected to carry out an impossible task load? You can’t be a parent to yourself for the rest of your life.

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Never underestimate the importance of first impressions. Improving your appearance could open new doors for you. How you look is often a reflection of how you feel. Gaze into the mirror and be honest about what you see. Why haven't you been taking proper care of yourself? Begin a sensible programme of diet and exercise today.

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Contrary to popular belief, every person on this planet has endless amounts of creativity. If you're not in touch with your imaginative side, it's time you were. Otherwise, you will continue to adapt your methods to rules and regulations that will ultimately deaden your spirit. Is it worth trading instant happiness for an elusive security?

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When forced to choose between your instincts and conventional wisdom, choose instinct every time. The values you were taught as a child may no longer have significance for you. That's fine, but it's important to replace these principles with beliefs you have developed on your own. What is it you really believe in? And I’m not talking a God.

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If it feels as though there are huge gaps in your education, it's time to correct the situation. There's no shame in admitting you are ignorant in certain areas. In fact, other people will respect you for your candour. It's easier to learn if you start your studies with no expectations. Wipe the slate clean and begin again at square one.

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