
An interest in artistic and cultural pursuits will prompt you to take a course. Studying with a gifted teacher will expand your horizons. You'll take a renewed interest in your work and home lives. Things that once seemed routine will captivate your attention again. It's very important for you to keep your intellect engaged. When you get bogged down on a boring regime, you get detached and cynical. At that point, it's always wise to take up a hobby.

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More money for luxuries will become available. Give careful thought to what you buy. Purchases that bring long term pleasure are advised. If you're stressed or overburdened, sensual indulgences are beneficial, too. Splash out on a massage, gourmet meal or bouquet of flowers. The more mindful you are about how you spend money, the happier you will be. You have fabulous taste and are bound to make good investments in your happiness.

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Your natural grace, wit and charm are enhanced. This is a wonderful time to go on a first date or job interview. You might also feel inspired to change your look. Adopting a style or shopping for new clothes will be great fun. Your altered appearance will cause people to see you in another light. Doors that were once closed to you will suddenly fly open. Never underestimate the effect of your image. It can be instrumental in realising your goals.

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A love of quiet and solitude will cause you to withdraw from the social scene. Although you still love your friends, you will benefit from a temporary separation. Take this opportunity to look inward. Ask yourself what the next logical step should be. Spending more time on spiritual pursuits will be a welcome relief. You're tired of feeling anxious and deprived all the time. Instead of focusing on what you want, give thanks for the blessings you enjoy each day.

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Working with a large group will be fun. You enjoy bouncing ideas off fellow artists. Someone with a complicated concept can be helped by your simpler approach. You have a knack for whittling down notions to their bare essence. As a result, projects that would ordinarily be overwhelming become easily managed. Don't be afraid to contradict someone with an impressive background. You have better notions of how certain work should be performed. Stand your ground.

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You want a career that offers more than an income. Doing work that feels meaningful is your first priority. This may mean leaving a steady job to venture into unfamiliar territory. Prepare yourself for the transition. Getting training or working as a volunteer can make it easier to find work in your desired field. It will be necessary to accept an almost entry level position as a means to get your foot in the door. Don't worry. You'll quickly rise through the ranks.

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Artistic inspiration will come from a culture that is much different than yours. Studying different beliefs and practices from around the world will be enlightening. You probably won't abandon your philosophy, but you will be enriched by your studies. Be willing to put an innovative spin on a traditional form of expression. You'll get an enthusiastic reception for this work. You're tired of feeling boxed in by a particular set of values. It's time to expand your horizons and see what's out there.

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Financial gain through a romantic or business partnership will put you on more secure ground. Use part of this windfall to put a deposit on a house or car. If you don't have a retirement account, open one now. It's never too late to put away money for a rainy day. Luckily, you and your associate have similar values. They'll fully support your desire to create long term stability. If you're not sure the best way to invest this sum, take a money management course. Knowledge is power.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're extremely popular, but your heart belongs to one person. Spending time with your best friend or romantic partner will give you a boost of energy. Suddenly, you'll feel compelled to take up an abandoned project that was close to your heart. This time, you'll be able to bring this work to completion. That's because you know you have the backing of someone who believes in your talent. Although you value your independence, much of your success is due to your favourite human.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Work will assume a pleasant tone. You will you enjoy the assignments you are given and you'll have fun working alongside your colleagues. Everyone has checked their ego at the door and will come together in a spirit of harmony. Be willing to brainstorm with people you often find strange. Your sense of history, combined with their innovative approach, will meld nicely. If you're unemployed, you'll be offered a job that is both financially and emotionally rewarding. Take it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't be afraid to show your romantic side. If you're in love, give the object of your affection a beautiful gift they will enjoy. It could be anything from an intimate dinner to an exquisite piece of jewellery to a charitable donation in their name. Choose a gesture that reflects your partner's tastes and values. Are you single? You'll easily attract admirers. The more you socialise, the easier it will be to meet someone who makes your pulse pound.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your family is especially supportive now. Lean on it for support, especially when facing your fears. You have a chance to develop an interesting creative project. Don't be scared of people rejecting your ideas. Addressing controversial subjects is bound to rub sensitive individuals the wrong way. For the most part, you will connect with those who want to have their feelings affirmed. Don't hold back from being brutally honest. Your relatives are squarely behind you.

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