
Working behind the scenes helps you breathe easier. You're tired of being micromanaged. This is your big chance to change the structure of a top heavy organisation. Encouraging worker bees to express their creativity will result in some impressive contributions. Pretty soon, your employer will offer cutting edge products and services that will be the envy of all its rivals. That's what happens when you open the playing field to as many participants as possible.

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You have no intention of taking the conventional route. As a general rule, you're pretty conservative. Right now you have no use for the old ways, as they are too restrictive, especially for the most vulnerable members of society. Making resources available for those members of your community who need most help will be empowering. Set up an educational fund for young people who are at risk. You will turn their lives around with just a little patience and a lot of perseverance.

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Taking control of your destiny is critical. It's time to get your workspace in order. Go through files and weed out papers you no longer need. Stow supplies in attractive boxes and bins. Arrange your books and papers neatly. Place pot plants wherever you can and add a couple of lamps with full spectrum light bulbs. The more neat and attractive your office, the more productive you'll become. If you're given a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, choose the latter.

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Staying cooped up inside has a bad effect on your outlook. Head for the great outdoors, even if the weather is dismal. Taking a walk in the rain will lift your spirits and help you reconnect with nature. There's more to life than work. If you need an excuse to get outside more, take up a hobby like jogging. Alternatively, you can adopt a dog from a rescue centre. Taking long, leisurely strolls together will help relieve tension and give you a more balanced perspective.

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You are longing to win the attention of someone special. A swarm of admirers surrounds this sex symbol at all times. It's hard to know whether you've made an impression. The best way to impress the object of your affection is by sculpting a sleek physique. Weight training will give your body a lean, sculpted look that is impossible to resist. It also helps to project a glamorous public image. There's never been a better time to summon your natural born glamour.

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Joining forces with a successful artist will improve your fortunes. Your partner will help you break out of stifling routines that have made life stagnant. With this cheerleader at your side, it becomes easier to take risks and put yourself before the public. Don't be surprised if you're asked to write a book or teach a class. People are willing to pay good money to draw on your expertise. You bring out the best in your students through generous praise and encouragement. Resist the urge to nitpick.

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Taking better care of your health is critical. You have a golden opportunity to transform your body. Overhaul your diet and exercise routines. Eating fresh fruits, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables will give you a sexy glow that is impossible to ignore. It will also help to ease stressful people out of your life. There's no reason you should put up with somebody who squanders your resources. Set up a private bank account nobody else can access.

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Having fun should be your first priority. You're tired of devoting all of your time and energy to domestic pursuits. Head for a lovely waterside retreat and rest, relax, and rejuvenate. Take along a sketchpad or notebook, as your creative juices will flow. An attentive friend or lover wants to relieve you of some burdens. Go ahead and let them take these jobs off your hands. Don't worry what others will think of your lighter schedule. You've paid your dues.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Preparing a lavish meal for your nearest and dearest gives you great pleasure. If you can't cook, take lessons. It's the most fulfilling way to express your love for somebody. Launching a home improvement project will increase the value of your investment. A lending institution will give you the funds you require to update your bathroom, kitchen, or electrical system. Don't worry if you've been turned down in the past.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You want to make a positive difference in the world. Increasing awareness of an important issue puts you squarely in the spotlight. People will look at you with renewed respect, and you will rise up as something of a local celebrity. You're becoming a hot commodity on the romance market. If you're single, you'll embark on a sizzling affair with somebody with a beautiful voice. Are you already in a relationship? Launch a creative project with your partner.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Having a little security helps you to make a momentous change. You're finally ready to break a bad habit, even if it drives a wedge between you and certain friends. You'd rather be healthy than popular. Fortunately, your family is firmly behind your decision, and will do everything in their power to help you. It's possible you'll move as a means to make a fresh start. Choose a place surrounded by beautiful plants. Greenery is enormously therapeutic.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You will be asked to take charge of a large institution. People trust you to make the best decisions for the group. You never play favourites; you're intent on serving the greatest amount of people for the least amount of money. Some people will accuse you of being tight with a penny, but that's only because you want to make the most of your resources. Making your community a beautiful place to live is your first priority. Plant a public garden in a neglected alleyway.

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