
If there's something you want somebody to do; all you have to do is ask them nicely! They will understand and no doubt oblige. The main hazard facing you today is the temptation to take on more than you can chew. To avoid a situation that's too much to handle, accept your limitations. Don't allow yourself to become overly confident, stop expecting too much from yourself and delegate responsibilities.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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News you've been waiting for may arrive only you might not be as thrilled about it as you thought you would be. A small bonus or sum of money could also come your way; don't be in too much of a hurry to splash out, or gamble it away. You're restless but nothing brings you any real satisfaction. It's as if you're searching for something, only you don't know what you're looking for!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Tempers are frayed and this may have something to do with a home improvement project you're working on. Avoid arguments over money, materials and future plans with the people you live, see or work with every day. Mountains will be made out of molehills and this will only add to your frustration. Keep your thoughts to yourself and things will have a habit of working themselves out before too long.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Question people if you can't work out what they are trying to say; don't pretend you understand. Good communication is only possible if everyone is honest with each other. Trying to read between the lines is not a good idea as you could be left with the wrong impression. Be vigilant and be heedful of the fact someone could be having problems getting their point across.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Yesterday's events will have the positive affect of spurring you on to greater efforts. An upbeat atmosphere keeps you on your toes and the action will stay at a high level all through the day. You will work well in a team but you also need to make your presence felt. The more confident and assertive you are, the more of an impact you will make on someone you're hoping to impress!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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If someone accuses you of being careless or impulsive, they will have no evidence to back up their statement. So why let them get to you? Consider the fact what they're accusing you of is actually a reflection of their own worst traits. Instead of sticking up for yourself, tell them to look at their own behaviour. As it is, you haven't time to put up with anyone's stupidity. You have other more important things to get on with.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If you yearn for some peace and quiet but other people are too demanding, it's time to start sticking up for yourself. You can't continue to be at someone else's beck and call without this having a negative affect on your health and emotional well being. All it will take is a two lettered word to change your relationships for the better. Tell people 'no'. Let them know they either start respecting your wishes or they will lose you as a friend.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Affairs going on behind the scenes have been quietly forging ahead. Someone is ready to bring a secret out into the open. This will put you in a strong position as your efforts of the past are about to be recognised. The fact you've been in on a confidential matter without anyone realising will stand you in good stead. People now know you can be trusted. The prospect is sufficient to give you a new incentive.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A friendly frame of mind helps cement existing relationships as well as introducing new acquaintances to your circle. If someone asks for your opinion, they aren't being polite, they really want to know. Some lively discussions and smart suggestions will come out of a brainstorming session. Accept a sudden proposal and enjoy the chance to meet new people and possibly operate in a new environment.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you're capable of a new job or position and you know it, be sure to let others know it too. What good is it going to do if you stand back and watch someone else steal an opportunity you know should go to you? Fight for the chance to prove yourself. The weeks ahead favour any attempts made to better your prospects. It's time you made your mark.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The outcome of a contentious legal or financial wrangle could have you breathing out a sigh of relief. You probably didn't realise how worried you were about this matter until now. It is not however completely over and done with. You're left with a number of issues to sort out in your mind. One of which involves the question of whether you will ever again be able to trust someone you feel has let you down.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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With strangers you know you're making an impact through their interested reaction. With friends or colleagues you often share time with, you aren't having such an easy time. A partner takes the pleasure out of a joint endeavour through insisting on supervising you every step of the way. The way they're acting you think you can't be trusted and this makes you feel both used and annoyed at the same time.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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