
Ordinary affairs are not enough to bring you happiness. Any offer or opportunity that might divert you from your usual routines will get your immediate interest. A creative challenge would allow you to transcend the here and now and explore new options and possibilities.

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It is important that you receive acknowledgement and are fairly compensated for your hard work. Your boss or a senior colleague is exploiting your kindness by assigning you additional tasks. This results in an uneven distribution of responsibilities and rewards and this doesn't feel fair at all.

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Some events and dealings have a mysterious feel to them. The atmosphere in the workplace makes you wonder what's happening behind the scenes and it won't be long before you find out. A colleague will be offered a higher position even though you had not known it had become available.

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People are relying on you a lot because you've always been there for them when they needed help, advice or guidance. An older colleague is expecting so much from you now that you're beginning to feel frustrated about it.

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Your keen sense of humour makes you extremely popular. Attending workshops and seminars will be more useful than you anticipated. As well as making new friends, you will meet someone who has the expertise and abilities to assist you in reaching a professional goal.

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It is time to have a clear out. Cluttered and untidy surroundings make you tense and irritable. Take each room, drawer and cupboard one at a time. Some things can't be fixed or renewed. Take those small household electricals, cables, chargers and headphones you have been holding onto to a specialist recycling service.

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Home and property matters are becoming a top priority. If you aren't happy where you currently live, get ready to make a change. Start looking for a new home and you will find a nicer place in a delightful neighbourhood. Are you a homeowner? Be willing to negotiate and you should soon be able to sell your current property.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Before sharing your ideas with the public, structure your thoughts. Developing an elaborate presentation will provide your audience with a visual guide. You might want to enrich these visuals with relevant information to avoid the risk of being criticised for prioritising style over substance.

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It can be annoying when things in legal, financial, or professional areas move really slowly. You were expecting some deals to be finalised by now, but it looks like you'll have to be a little more patient. Money can be earned from sharing an original idea.

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A friend's diplomatic comments will make you reflect on a relationship you have unintentionally neglected. It's natural to feel a sense of guilt for not seeing how thoughtless you have been, but this realisation will motivate you to take action and make up for your careless behaviour.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will persist and manage tasks as you always do. However, you are beginning to realise that you are creating more difficulties for yourself by being too helpful and cooperative at work. It is time now to prioritise your own well-being. Do not hesitate to reduce your workload.

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Take any opportunity to gain knowledge about the different aspects of your industry. If you are offered a chance to cover for an absent work superior, be certain to take it. This will open the way for you to enhance your reputation in the workplace. Your unique communication skills will help you obtain an ideal position.

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