
You feel like you are lost in a maze of red tape. This isn't the best time to deal with a hospital, university, or government agency. If you have no other choice, go prepared with plenty of paperwork, as well as some reading or listening material. Pack a snack and bottled water, as you may be forced to wait through lunch. Getting your ideas across to a business or romantic partner will be challenging. The two of you have completely opposite points of view.

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A group of friends could be pulled apart over an emotional issue. Several members of this tribe have very strong feelings regarding religion, politics, or sex. There is no point arguing over this matter, as everybody will hold fast to their views. It may be best to enforce a temporary separation or someone will be pushed past the breaking point. Don't let a pleasurable pursuit distract you from work or study. If you don't buckle down now, you'll fall hopelessly behind.

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Don't panic if you receive unfavourable publicity. It's part of the price every public figure has to pay. You may not realise it, but your critics are in the minority. Most people realise you've been coping with a very difficult situation. If you do feel you have made a terrible error, make a simple and heartfelt apology. It will be refreshing to see someone who doesn't blame others for their troubles. A well meaning relative may give you bad advice.

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Your strong dislike for a person could have its roots in your upbringing. Just because you were raised to believe in a certain moral code doesn't mean that everyone should subscribe to it. Try putting your views aside and give this character a chance. A computer malfunction or traffic tie up could force you to change your plans. Take a deep breath and resign yourself to the fact you have no control over this situation. Avoid a power struggle with a colleague.

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A difficult situation finally comes to an end, and you're not sure what to do next. You've become used to coping with an emotionally charged environment. Now you don't have to walk on eggshells, you're shy about meeting new people. What you may not realise is your warmth and generosity make you a very popular figure. Let your natural enthusiasm for life shine through. It will gain you entry into some very exclusive social circles.

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A quarrel could erupt over your career quite suddenly. You may not realise it, but you've been neglecting a business or romantic partner. It's time to force yourself away from duties and devote yourself to their needs. This will be difficult, as you feel you're on the brink of a raise or promotion. However, the fact is: relationships are more important than work. It's probably better to listen more than you speak today.

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Your health may be fragile, so try not to push yourself too hard. Yes, there is plenty of work to be done, but you need to delegate it to others. If you don't, you may be forced to relinquish your job altogether. Putting off a decision could cost valuable time and money. It's better to pick a path and cope with the consequences. Resist the urge to impose your ways on people who have been doing things differently.

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You'll have to put work before pleasure today. Neglecting your job will put others in jeopardy of losing theirs. Fulfil your responsibilities as quickly as possible, and resist the urge to complain. An authority figure has been quietly observing your progress. You wouldn't want to make a bad impression on this person. Don't ask for a raise or promotion yet, as your employer doesn't have the means to meet your request. Don't worry; the situation will soon improve.

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Inviting someone over to your home could be a daunting prospect. Being a successful host is a matter of warmth and generosity, not matching plates. A loud argument with a loved one could draw unwanted attention your way. Try to curb your temper. Even the smallest disappointments have a way of setting you off. Perhaps you're really angry at your own shortcomings. Is there some important task you've been putting off? Finish it today.

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Beware of spending too much time on the phone or internet. There's lots of work to be done, and you'll never be able to finish it unless you focus. Your body is showing signs of fatigue. You've got to stop pushing yourself too hard. Yes, it's important to get in shape, but you also have to guard against injury. Resist the urge to venture your opinion about a topic you know little about or you could embarrass yourself with a respected expert.

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Financial extravagance could get you into lots of trouble with a romantic partner. It's possible your lover is uncomfortable with your cavalier attitude. If you really want to show your affection for this person, take interest in their hobbies or spend more quality time together. An unexpected expense could make you nervous about the future. Putting yourself on a budget can help you withstand the lean times ahead. Be honest about your situation. Don't let friends dissuade you from venturing into unknown territory.

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You're very proud of all the progress you've made in a particular area, but your family may not be as appreciative. Lashing out at a relative who makes an irreverent remark will create a very uncomfortable atmosphere. Still, it's probably better to express your anger than keep it buried. Your relatives won't understand why you're so angry, but they will know to avoid this subject. That's better than nothing. Look to your friends for the support you desire.

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