
Try not to come across as a know it all with an authority figure. Although you do have more experience in a certain area than this person, they have the power to fire you. While it's difficult working underneath this person, it may be best to maintain the status quo. An opportunity to open your own business or take an executive position will arrive sooner than you think. In the meantime, continue to follow orders and garner paycheques. Give thanks for what you have, others aren't so lucky.

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It's never wise to discuss religion and politics in mixed company. This is especially true today. It's important to respect other people's beliefs, whether or not you share them. After all, you don't like being told what to think. If someone tries to covert you to their ideology, exit the conversation politely but quickly. You can't afford to waste your time with fanatics like this. As incredible as it seems, it is possible to have a healthy exchange of ideas, but not today!

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Don't give too much credence to a friend's advice. This person is looking at life through a very narrow lens. Sharing your resources is the only way to prevail over a difficult situation. You might have to work extra shifts to help a relative who is out of work. Alternatively, it may fall to you to do the housework while your loved one recovers from an illness. Contrary to popular belief, relationships are never equal. The power dynamic ebbs and flows.

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It may be impossible to avoid an argument with your boss. He or she may not be willing to grant you more personal time. This is really difficult, as a loved one needs your attention. If you're single, it could be because you don't have enough time to pursue a relationship. Something has got to give here. Start looking for employment opportunities with more flexibility. This will give you a greater sense of control over your destiny.

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You need to find a practical application for your knowledge. So far, you've had a difficult time finding a job suited to your talents. If you want to work for a particular organisation, you may have to volunteer at first. Putting in just a few hours a week will demonstrate your commitment. Don't get drawn into any power plays with paid employees. Remember, you're on their territory. Focus on being as helpful and pleasant as possible. This will turn the tide in your favour.

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An intimate relationship could hit a snag. It feels like you're quibbling over silly issues. What's really at stake here is power. Neither one of you wants to give up your freedom or independence. Unfortunately, it's the only way you can forge a lasting bond. Stop insisting on doing things your way all of the time. As soon as you show signs of flexibility, your amour will reciprocate. Love requires a leap of faith. That's what makes it so exciting.

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It's difficult to communicate with somebody who reads something negative into everything you say. Try not to take their hostility personally. It's possible you resemble a relative who has caused this person pain. Putting some distance between you is probably a good idea. When your associate realises you don't mean any harm, they'll let down their defences. In the meantime, focus on the things you need to do. Your chores will be a welcome distraction from this strained relationship.

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A troubling magazine article or television show could make you concerned about your health. If you're really concerned, visit your doctor. Chances are, your fears are unfounded. You'll only be free of them once you get an official diagnosis. Learn to pay careful attention to your body's signals. This will make you less susceptible to fear mongering. Beware of being too harsh towards a neighbour or sibling. This person is more sensitive than you realise.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There are plenty of pleasurable activities to distract you from work. Unfortunately, there's a big deadline looming ahead. You'll have to struggle to finish this job. Stay off the Internet and the phone until you've reached your goal. If you need help, ask for it. Someone may try to withhold money as a means to punish you. Wait until tomorrow to address this issue. Right now, you've got to focus on fulfilling your responsibilities. If your behaviour is beyond reproach, you'll force their hand.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's hard to think clearly right now. A family member seems to be going out of their way to annoy you. It's hard not to be infuriated by their actions. Whenever you feel your temper start to rise, think of a pleasant memory. Putting your energy into things that make you feel good will help keep your temper in check. Once your relative sees it is impossible to get a rise out of you, they'll find someone else to torment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Transportation difficulties could prevent you from getting to an appointment on time. Beware of a tendency to sabotage golden opportunities. If you've been granted a job interview, plan on getting to the place an hour early. You can always have coffee across the street while you wait. There's the added benefit of having some time to relax before putting yourself on the line. It's hard to think clearly when you're rushing to beat the clock.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A tendency to daydream could be undermining a good friendship. You need to be more vigilant about returning this person's phone calls and emails. When you let lots of time go between messages, you make the sender feel unimportant. Although you may care for this person very deeply, you are sending the opposite signal. Get into the habit of answering communications as soon as you receive them. That way, you won't unintentionally offend someone special.

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