
Putting more work into close relationships will be your primary concern for the next two months. Relieving a romantic or business partner of heavy responsibilities will make your bond stronger than ever. In the event you are on your own, this would be a great period to go on as many dates as possible. You're bound to meet several promising candidates for love. Keep your eyes open at the gym, park, and sports arena.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your energy is at an all-time high, so why not channel it into a challenging exercise program? Weight lifting, hiking, and biking are all activities worth trying between now and mid-November. You'll be amazed at how quickly you see results once you start working out on a regular basis. If you're looking for love, be sure to attend a community gathering. A sparkling conversationalist will catch your eye. The two of you share lots of interests.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Organizing your home will unearth several valuable possessions that you thought were long gone. Before you slip back into your old habits, try assigning a spot for everything you own. Creating a straightforward filing system is also imperative. Think of how much time you'll save once you have to stop searching for everything! A competitive sport or an electrifying romance is bound to occupy your thoughts for the next two months.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You may be seriously considering changing residences, as your current home doesn't satisfy your needs. There's never been a better time to look for a new abode. Get into the habit of searching the property pages and viewing houses. You'll find several places that appeal to your taste. If you're not ready to pack up, you may want to make some heavy-duty renovations. Such an overhaul will increase the value of your property.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You've got some plans up your sleeve for increasing your income, but don't go public with them yet. Focus on getting some basic knowledge under your belt between now and mid-November. Learning now to run a small business, taking an accounting course, or even studying with someone who has experience with similar ventures are all ways you can draw nearer to your goal. Fortunately, you learn fast.

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If you need a favour from a friend, get to the point quickly. Otherwise, they'll feel manipulated. You're much better off stating your needs plainly. Be willing to sign a contract. In fact, refuse to accept a loan without one. Having the terms of your agreement in black-and-white will eliminate any confusion that could develop later on down the line. Don't squander your resources on luxuries; pour them into short-term investments.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your energy level will soar between now and mid-November, making this a very productive time. Initiating personal projects is highly favoured. Whether you want to launch a website, start your own product line, or begin a romance is immaterial. The important thing is that you are swift and decisive. People in high places are poised to reward your drive and determination. Private talks with an executive will lead to a promotion.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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If you've got any business with bureaucratic institutions, now is the time to conduct it. You'll cut through red tape like a hot knife through butter. Be sure to tie up any loose ends before mid-November, because things will slow down considerably after that. A friend may approach you about teaching or going on a trip. Be sure to give this proposition serious thought. It could lead to some fantastic career opportunities.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's no reason you should have to struggle with mounting debts a minute longer. This is a great day for taking charge of your financial obligations. You can shop around for the best rates in order to consolidate your bills and only have to pay one low fee each month. In the event you are financially independent, you may want to steer a platonic relationship into more romantic waters. Things are getting intense!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time to stop fooling around with someone who has captured your heart. Casual flirting is all well and good, but it's not leading to the serious commitment you need to be happy. Push aside your fears and ask for a date. Be sure to go somewhere that is understated but elegant. You don't want to scare this person away with excessive grandeur, but you do want to communicate that you're not just fooling around.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to stand up for your beliefs, even if it means butting heads with some stuffy authority figures. Organizing a protest rally, writing a letter to the editor, or joining a debate society are all favoured now. One thing is for sure: you're not content to sit quiet any longer. If you'd like to get in shape, start clearing the clutter from your home. Having too many possessions can sap your energy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your romantic partner may be talking about marriage or perhaps even a baby. The two of you are entering into a new phase of your relationship, which is really exciting. Don't be surprised if you find yourselves reverting to your courtship days. It will be impossible to take your hands off each other! If you're not involved with anyone special, be sure to attend plenty of cultural events between now and mid-November, and do some aggressive flirting!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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