
Your business or romantic partner will receive a nice windfall, which improves your own financial situation. Go and celebrate your good fortune together. By pausing to enjoy prosperity, you'll attract even more. This is an unwritten law of the Universe. When it comes to your own job, you are disciplined, self-reliant and determined. Thanks to your ability to push past stubborn obstacles, you'll achieve great success. You've gained a reputation for an ability to spin straw into gold.

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Developing an idea for a business, app or professional service will be engrossing. You're good at attending to the practical matters, but could use some help with fundraising and promotion. Join forces with a Capricorn who has lots of experience in this area. Balance work with play. If you're in a relationship, this is a great time to enjoy a romantic getaway with your amour. Head for a private spot where you won't be bothered by ringing phones, crying children and blaring televisions.

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Has your wardrobe become threadbare? This is a great time to shop for clothes. You'll find the sporty styles you love in flattering colours. Go ahead and spend more than usual. You'll get lots of use from these attractive purchases. Don't be afraid to explore your sensual side. Usually, you seek intellectual stimulation. Now it's time to satisfy your physical desires. Spend the day in bed with your amour, get a massage or luxuriate in scented bath.

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You attract romance like a moth to a flame. If you're single, you'll meet someone captivating at a concert, play or movie. You'll break down their sophisticated reserve with your silly sense of humour. They'll appreciate your sensitivity. This is a match made in heaven. If you're in a relationship, this is a great time to get engaged or married. Making a lifelong commitment will bring the security you crave. Have you already tied the knot? Encourage your amour to pursue a lifelong dream.

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Are you thinking of relocating? You'll find a beautiful place to live today. Be willing to venture off the beaten path. Moving to a secluded hideaway will soothe your jangled nerves. You're so popular that people will go out of their way to visit you. Thanks to your specialised skills and knowledge, you will be given a plum assignment at work. After dispatching it without a flaw, you'll be asked to assume more such projects. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise; you deserve it.

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This is a great time to negotiate a deal or strike a compromise. No matter how aggressive or stubborn the other party is, they'll let down their defences with you. That's because you have great instincts about what others want to hear. Once you've sealed this bargain, relax and enjoy yourself. Book a long holiday. Visiting the countryside will refresh your spirits. You've always had a deep connection to nature. Walking barefoot through the grass is the best medicine for you.

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Indulge your love of luxury. Purchasing an attractive painting, piece of jewellery or status symbol will fill you with pleasure. Beautiful possessions are as essential as food and drink to you. When you're deprived of them, you feel weak and anxious. Assuming responsibility for a relative will assure their good care. You don't take such duties lightly. If you need to find an eldercare facility, you will locate one that is known for its personal approach and excellent provisions. Put in an application now.

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Your popularity is on the rise. You are gracious, alluring and magnetic; no wonder everybody wants to be with you. If you're single, you'll have no interest in a casual fling. Look for a serious partner at a business conference or property viewing. Acquiring practical skills will make you a hot commodity on the job market. Instead of being forced to accept any assignment that comes along, you'll have your choice of projects. Working for a prestigious company will be profitable and satisfying.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Long-term financial planning paves the way to prosperity. Arrange with your bank to divert a set portion of your pay into a savings account where it might earn a little interest. Slowly but surely, your savings will accumulate, allowing you to retire in comfort at an early age. Are you looking for work? You'll find a great job at a government agency, hospital or university. Working for a bureaucracy has many perks. By taking advantage of them, you'll achieve the stable life from which to launch bold creative projects.

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Because you are so organised, people often come to you to preside over complicated jobs. Charge accordingly. Just because you are a work horse doesn't mean you will work for a mere bag of feed. People who command high fees command respect. Channel your idealism into a humanitarian organisation. Finding ways to shine light into the dark corners of the world is uplifting. You're so tired of feeling despair every time you hear the latest news reports. Take control of your circumstances.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A career involving the arts or cultural work has great appeal for you. You enjoy working with creative people who have pursued meaningful careers. Your organisational skills will allow them to build castles in the air. It's a satisfying blend of energies. A spiritual practice keeps you grounded when you grow tired of work. It doesn't matter if you attend religious services, carry out a sacred ritual or commune with nature. Find a way to transcend the mundane problems, if only for a few minutes each day.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're looking for love, you could find it at a spiritual, educational or cultural gathering. The chemistry between you and someone with penetrating eyes will be powerful. If you have a partner, there's never been a better time to travel overseas together. Attend a well-connected friend's party. Your social network will expand in exciting ways as a result. Exchange contact information with an accomplished person who has experience in your desired field. They could get you a dream job.

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