
Keep religion and politics out of conversations if you want some peace today. If you really must argue about a certain issue, take a look at the way you present yourself and your argument. You don't want anyone to feel insulted as you put your views across and you can give a convincing argument in a diplomatic manner if you first take the time, to think before you speak. Tell someone you think their ideas or views are less than right and they will likely see you in a negative light.

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Just think someone who puts you on your guard may actually have some hidden likeable traits once you get to know them. It may be another person has been giving them a difficult time and that's why they're being so defensive. If they feel you're going to be like all the others, they're bound to be a little distrustful too. Showing a little kindness could make a big difference. Even business associations can benefit through a thoughtful approach.

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If only you were in the mood for the jobs you're doing today you might have felt a little brighter. You aren't keen either to deal with old issues which have been lurking between you and a friend for some time. Things will be better once you both talk. Just as if it seems like you're trying to deal with a hundred and one different chores and none of them are very exciting, once you get some of these out of the way you will start to relax again.

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You can't be specific about answers you give today if you don't know all the details. People are asking too much from you and they don't seem to get the point. Emotionally charged situations seem to be the most difficult ones to deal with, as angry, hurt or sad people want answers. You understand where they are coming from and what they are saying but you can't tell them what they want to hear. Lying, even if to comfort someone, is not an option.

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You would rather keep an incident which occurs today between you and another person. You're in a position to help someone but you aren't doing this for recognition, reward or applause. Their gratitude, for you having been there at the right time to give assistance, guidance or practical help, will be reward enough for you. Who needs to be recognised when all that matters is you've done your bit to make another person happy?

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Putting words together the wrong way may mean what you're trying to say comes out all wrong. Those who are close to you will not take offence and will laugh off the misunderstanding. In business or when you're with someone in an official capacity, nervousness could leave you tongue tied. This could ultimately cause a degree of miscommunication. Sometimes words can't convey feelings or perceptions; don't allow an argument to start over a misunderstanding.

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A senior colleague or official will not want to admit their mistakes because of pride. They're too protective of their position or status to want to defend themselves against an error they've made. Even though the situation annoys you, consider that at a deeper level, they know what they've done and recognise they are wrong. If they can't admit it, that's their problem. Sooner or later, the truth shall prevail.

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Don't waste time on meaningless exercises and don't let others draw you into futile arguments. Someone is preying on an incident of the past which didn't work out in their favour. They might be thinking about contending a decision or ruling and this can only mean a lengthy and drawn out legal battle. If you aren't in the mood to get involved and you're considering taking a holiday soon, this would be the ideal opportunity to slip away!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's a big difference between purposely saying one thing and thinking another, and saying what you believe to be true. When someone asks for your true opinion, they'll respect you more if you give it. You might feel under pressure to complete an important project and you're tempted to imply some tasks have been done when they haven't. Or if you aren't ready to proceed onto a greater level of intimacy with a new romantic partner, then don't.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone could leave you high and dry when they fail to fulfil a promise. Getting annoyed with them won't resolve anything; keeping calm and looking at other options is a more sensible way to cope. An offer you feel obliged to turn down due to circumstances you can't control will not seem such a big deal when a more lucrative proposal comes your way. This will make the previous one pale in comparison.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Not everything that happens is reasonable or logical; in fact some situations today might seem senseless. Most of your frustration is because you can't do a lot to change the cause of your stress. Your computer might crash after working for hours on a document or you may have wasted your time following inaccurate advice. All this is likely to be frustrating; try to submit gracefully to the situation rather than attempt to change anything.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone else is getting the credit for work you started; if this has always been the deal from the start, why grumble? Working in a team from behind the scenes doesn't make your contribution any less important as those in the forefront. People do respect and are grateful for your hard work and support. Having a good team behind them is what has brought about this current success. You've never liked to be in the limelight and you wouldn't want it any other way.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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