
You have no tolerance for dull people. Instead, you seek out intellectually stimulating types who are willing to go against the grain. Be patient with a relative who is always trying to win your approval. Although they don't understand you, they do admire you. Be kind and encouraging, even while you lack a strong connection. Friends will excite your imagination, but family will give you a needed sense of security. You'll be glad you maintained this relationship when you face a serious struggle.

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You are a team player and function well as part of the group. That's because you don't let your ego get in the way of good ideas. When someone offers a helpful suggestion, you're willing to take it. If your concept is scrapped for another, you'll do your best to contribute to the new plan. Both your peers and superiors appreciate your helpful attitude. Don't be surprised when you're asked to lead a future project. This will give you a wonderful opportunity to showcase your managerial ability.

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Studying with an expert will be inspirational. You'll enjoy working alongside someone who pushes you to new levels of excellence. If you play your cards right, you could do some work that wins a contest or award. Be willing to show off the fruits of your labour. Some people will have a strong reaction to your efforts, feeling it's too unusual. You should take this as a compliment. Fitting in is easy. Setting yourself apart from the crowd is a much harder challenge.

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Your unorthodox views make you feel like an outsider much of the time. It hurts when people mock your beliefs. Instead of succumbing to pressure to confirm, you should stand your ground. Someone who admires your strong personality will come forward to congratulate you. This will be an offbeat alliance that appeals to your sense of fun. Whenever you feel tired or exasperated, your friend will come forward to make you laugh. It's important to spend lots of time with people who understand you.

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You want a partner who is idealistic and independent. Someone who tends to brood will dampen your natural enthusiasm for life. You will enjoy being with somebody who makes you laugh. When you're in their presence, you should feel like anything is possible. Are you in a relationship? Take this opportunity to cheer up the object of your affection. Plan a special outing that is tailored to their interest. They'll be gratified you went to so much trouble.

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By offering to help a struggling colleague, you'll create a supportive environment that increases everyone's productivity. Too often, people are so focused on their own needs that they lose sight of the big picture. Make it your mission to bring everyone together in a spirit of harmony. If someone looks discouraged, give them a sincere compliment. Talk about their character traits instead of their appearance. We all want to be recognised for the inner qualities that are often ignored.

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You enjoy recreational activities that involve a big group. Mixing with a variety of people gives you the intellectual stimulation you crave. If you're looking for love, you could find it with an open minded adventurer. You'll love hearing the stories of your travels, while they'll appreciate your book recommendations. Don't rush into a serious commitment. Instead, enjoy getting to know one another. A long courtship will satisfy your romantic nature. If you already have a partner do more things together.

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If there's anything you can't stand, it's someone telling you how to run your household. You have no intention of meeting another person's standards. Follow your own definitive ideas of what feels comfortable. Instead of taking decorating ideas from a glossy magazine, you should follow your own instincts. You have a deep appreciation for furniture and artwork that evoke distant lands. Mix and match as you see fit. Blending unusual patterns and colours excites your imagination.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your inventive mind draws favourable publicity. People are intrigued by your ability to come up with ingenious solutions to stubborn problems. As a result, you could be asked to write an advice column or write an instruction manual. Making online instructional videos is another possibility. Sharing your wisdom will put you in touch with people from all walks of life. You will easily befriend someone who lives at a distance and may even go visit them in the near future.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Taking a calculated risk will pay off handsomely. You have a good feeling about an exciting new product or service. A small investment will grow into a handsome nest egg. Having this financial cushion will allow you to travel more freely. Being able to see the world will have a profound impact on your outlook. Instead of clinging tightly to your assumptions, you'll be more receptive to other points of view. You'll also become more compassionate. Don't be afraid; the change will be beneficial.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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When it comes to getting your point across, you must be utterly logical. It's easy to get swept away by a tide of emotion when you passionately care about a subject. Whenever you get choked up, take deep breaths. Remind yourself how important it is to get public support. People who admire your command of facts and figures will rally to your side. Soon, you will be heading a movement that can bring about social change. Making your community a more welcoming place is a worthy goal.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's important to find an outlet for your humanitarian ideals. Spearheading a fundraiser will give you lots of fulfilment. Helping a charitable organisation that is close to your heart is empowering. You're tired of feeling helpless in the face of a seemingly indifferent world. When you witness how many people come forward to help this cause, you'll regain your faith in humankind. Don't be surprised when a prominent member of the community comes forward to thank you.

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