
You're resourceful and determined. Anybody who tries to block your path will be in for a shocking surprise. You're tired of dealing with unreasonable people who would rather talk than work. It may be necessary to report someone whose uncooperative behaviour is dragging down a project. It's time to get rid of this dead weight. Working with a streamlined team will help you achieve an ambitious goal you've been dreaming about for months. The time to hesitate is over.

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You're able to act as a mediator for two people who can't see eye to eye. Take the time to meet with both parties separately. Carefully listen to each side of the story. Don't render any snap judgments. After spending a few days reviewing what has happened, you'll arrive at an agreement that is fair. Everyone will then breathe a sigh of relief and be able to resume their duties without constantly bickering. As a result, you will be offered a lucrative position that draws on your diplomatic skills.

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The more systematic your approach to work, the greater your productivity will be. Don't give in to the temptation to fly by the seat of your pants. It's much better to make a list of everything you need, pick up your supplies and create a step by step game plan. This will help you finish a complicated chore in record time. By the end of the day, you will feel justified in giving yourself a sumptuous treat. Splash out on a new outfit or buy an accessory you've been craving.

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Follow a romantic impulse. Whether you want to confess a crush, ask someone on a date or get married, now is the time to act. You're so attractive that it will be impossible to resist your charm. If you want to take a break from the dating game, pour your energy into creative pursuits. Working on a book, piece of music or design will make you fall back in love with life. You've been blessed with impressive artistic talent. It's time to put it to use.

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Your tremendous force of will helps you move mountains. This is a wonderful time to pay off a debt that has been hanging over your head. Although you won't be able to buy luxuries and other extras while you are on a tight budget, you won't feel the pinch too much. That's because you'll be focused on achieving financial health. Are your bills so numerous that you think you'll never be able to pay them off? Reach out to a group or organisation that specialises in consumer protection.

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A pleasant flirtation gives you a shy sparkle that's extremely attractive. It feels wonderful to exchange playful comments with someone who clearly enjoys your company. You may want to record some of these exchanges in a diary; you'll be able to use them in a piece of fiction later. Are you deeply in love with your partner? Take this opportunity to encourage your amour to pursue a lifelong dream. Offer to take over their responsibilities while they train, study or practice.

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Slow and steady wins the race. This is especially true when looking for moneymaking opportunities. If you have your own business, it will take time to build a loyal clientele. Don't hurry the process. Instead, focus on doing everything you must to satisfy your existing customers. Are you unemployed? It would be wise to accept a variety of freelance assignments instead of seeking one full time job. This will make your schedule more flexible.

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Your forceful personality attracts romance like a flower draws bees. If you're single, you'll meet someone special who has a background that is radically different from your own. It will be fun comparing and contrasting notes on your upbringing. Best of all, the object of your affection will teach you new ways of viewing the world and coping with stress. Are you already in a serious relationship? Take this opportunity to plan a long distance holiday you've both been yearning to take.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have the power to move people to take action. Making an emotional appeal to a group of people will cause them to launch a philanthropic effort. Helping those less fortunate will promote good will in the community. It will also keep individuals from feeling isolated and alienated. These days, an overreliance on technology can keep us from connecting in a meaningful way. The best way to remedy this problem is to meet regularly with people who share the same concerns.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Putting a bold idea into practice will take courage. Many people will oppose your plan. Fortunately, you have the power to implement it without their permission. Don't let this power go to your head. After you've launched this initiative, try building bridges with your detractors. Make it clear that your mission is to help as many people as possible. Those who feel left out in the cold should be invited to participate in the new organisation. Be outgoing, friendly and persistent.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You achieve career success through self-reliance. Instead of waiting for someone else to perform a minor task, you'll dispatch the job quickly and efficiently. When you have a brilliant idea, you simply run with it. In your experience, asking permission to do things usually slows things down. You have a better track record with projects that were developed in stealth. The last thing you want is to give critics a chance to reject your ideas before even trying them.

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You're willing to try new things. Therefore, it's important to be discerning about the company you keep. Stick close to a sophisticated person who has lots of experience. They'll introduce you to products and practices in a way that is accessible. Instead of worrying about being put in a dangerous situation, you'll be able to relax and enjoy yourself. This will prompt you to become even more adventurous. Keep expanding your horizons; it's helpful both personally and professionally.

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