
An opportunity to get paid for your expertise will arrive. You'll enjoy working with students who are eager to learn from you. Any course you teach will be so successful that you'll be offered a salaried position. This opportunity will allow you to travel regularly. Book a trip to a foreign country you've never visited before. Learn a few phrases of the language. The locals will appreciate the effort you've made to communicate with them. You'll get a warm reception.

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Your sensual side demands satisfaction. If you are on your own, treat yourself to a gourmet meal, spa treatment or new fragrance. For you, luxuries are as essential as food and drink. Stop depriving yourself of the finer things in life, even when others disapprove. Money from a financial agreement, legacy or insurance refund will be awarded to you. Use it to make your life more comfortable. Buy a beautiful place to live, a new car or both.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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It's time to hit the reset button on an intimate relationship. Spending quality time together is the key to reconnecting. Don't be upset when you don't immediately fall back into each other's arms. It will take time and effort to win back your partner's trust. If you're single, you have a wonderful opportunity to meet someone special. Attending a religious, cultural or educational event will put you on the path to love. Keep your ears open for someone with an enchanting accent.

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Launching a fitness regime is strongly advised. When you're busy with work, you tend to become a couch potato. Leading a sedentary life makes you grouchy and irritable. Even your closest friends can't bear to be with you. Integrate exercise into your daily routine. This is also a good time to attend to any paperwork that has been piling up. Although it's hard to be enthusiastic about such drudgery, there are things you can do to make the task more bearable. Play upbeat music and give yourself rewards.

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You can't ignore your physical desires any longer. If you're in a relationship, take your partner to a romantic retreat. Being able to focus on each other's needs will be liberating. It isn't healthy for a passionate person like you to repress their sensual impulses. Listening to music from a foreign land will inspire a creative project of your own. Devote some time to your favourite artistic medium. You'll be pleased with what you produce. Don't hesitate to display it in a public forum.

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It's easy to express your feelings when you're accepted. Friends and family are encouraging you to live your dream. They know you have made many personal sacrifices to benefit others. Now it's time for you to pursue your heart's desire. If you want to buy your own home, this is a great time to look at different properties. You'll find the perfect place to live in an up and coming neighbourhood. Be ready to move like lightning; the competition in this property market is fierce.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A flirtatious conversation fills you with shy excitement. It feels wonderful to be admired by someone who is clever, cultured and charismatic. If you're single, there's no reason you shouldn't embark on a romance with this charmer. You'll make a happy pair. Good news about a community matter will reach your ears. It will be such a relief to learn that a big construction project has been cancelled. You're tired of the noise and mess that are created by these sites.

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Your income is always increasing. Repeat this mantra over and over until you believe it. When you view yourself as prosperous, money will pour into your life. Model your behaviour after a wealthy person you've always admired. Above all, take pleasure in your blessings. If you're looking for work, you will find a job involving travel, publishing, the law or education. Working for people from all walks of life will be stimulating. One thing is certain: This position will never be boring.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're ready to make a fresh start. Whether this means starting a fitness regime, getting a different hairstyle or landing a new job is really of no consequence. The important thing is to strike in another direction. Any idea that fills you with excitement is worth following. When it comes to work, you should feature your name prominently on anything you do. People are drawn to your energy and enthusiasm. Who you are, rather than what you know, is the key to your success.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Normally, you take a practical approach to life. That's starting to change. Abandoning yourself to daydreams has been liberating. Instead of getting bogged down by financial concerns, you imagine yourself as healthy, prosperous and adored. The happiness these dreams bring makes you a luck magnet. If you're in a relationship, this is a great time for a romantic escape. Head for a destination that features beautiful vistas. You'll both love feasting your eyes on the breath-taking views from your hotel.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A lifelong dream is within reach. The secret to your success is optimism. Whenever you encounter an obstacle, treat it as a hidden blessing. Your assumption that everything is working in your favour will speed you to victory. Steer clear of naysayers. Attending a friend's birthday or anniversary celebration is strongly advised. Don't let an obsession with work eclipse your personal life. By striking a healthy balance between your public and private spheres, you'll be successful in both arenas.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have a wonderful opportunity to assume a prominent position at a big company. You'll enjoy overseeing a department of creative people. The staff will be at its best because you encourage them to express, rather than repress, their wildest ideas. You don't mind being the centre of attention if it is to promote something that uplifts people's spirits. You've always been a dreamer. In the past, you were forced to apologise for this quality. Now you're being paid for it.

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