
You won't find personal fulfilment through fame and acclaim. The best way to fill an emotional void is to develop loving relationships. Spending more time with friends, family and neighbours will keep you grounded. These people will tell you when you've become too egotistical. They'll also reassure you when life becomes difficult. Having an exalted title is impressive, but it's cold comfort when you need companionship. Take time away from work for the sake of your personal life.

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Morality is relative. Before lecturing someone on their belief system, reflect on your own ideas. Are they really superior to anyone else's? Do you expect to change a person's outlook by chastising them? Rather than giving a lecture, try to find common ground with this individual. You will be surprised to discover you have many similar interests. Listening to music, exchanging books and enjoying foreign food will be the basis for a firm friendship. At that point, you'll gain an appreciation for their outlook.

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A pursuit of wealth won't be satisfying. You're better off filling your time with activities that make you happy. Working with your hands is especially gratifying. One of your favourite things in the world is making things that are both useful and beautiful. If you've always wanted to go into business for yourself, think about selling your wares on an artisanal website. You will quickly attract a loyal following. The secret to your success is offering unique products to people bored with mass produced merchandise.

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Learning to trust yourself will improve close relationships. It's time to stop relying on your best friend, romantic partner or even workmate colleagues to always go above and beyond the call of duty. The sooner you learn to perform these chores on your own, the happier you will be. Do you have to master a complicated skill? Sign up as soon as possible for a course. Your confidence will soar as you move to the top of the class. Best of all, your other half will look at you with newfound respect.

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Having faith in the Universe is the first step in relieving anxiety. Worrying about the future is pointless. It's better to assume everything will work in your favour. Even if disaster does strike, you'll be able to easily meet the challenge. That's because you'll be thinking clearly. It's hard to gather your thoughts when you're consumed by nervous tension. Start monitoring your inner dialogue more closely. Whenever you catch yourself fretting over something you can't control, think of something for which you are grateful.

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Don't be shy about wanting attention. Normally, you're happy to work behind the scenes. When you achieve something extraordinary, you want to be recognised. There's nothing wrong with that. Instead of spending time with inattentive people, surround yourself with appreciative friends. Resist the temptation to brush off their praise. Learning how to accept positive feedback will be good for your ego. Instead of feeling like you're working in obscurity, you'll take pride in having your contributions celebrated.

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Finding the right line of work is critical to your happiness. Instead of meeting your family's approval, it is better to obey your own instincts. You've been blessed with impressive creative gifts. Use these abilities to land a job involving the art and entertainment world. You'll enjoy getting paid to create things that uplift and inspire others. If you're happy with your current career, think about pursuing a side business. Selling handmade items at a local boutique will bring profound emotional satisfaction.

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It will be difficult to find a market for your abilities. Employers are looking for a different set of skills. Don't be discouraged by their lack of interest in your job applications. Instead, take this opportunity to fill the gaps to your knowledge. Taking a crash course will make you feel more optimistic. It will become easier to attract the lucrative assignments you want. You might even get a chance to travel on business. Seeing the world on an expense account will be the answer to a prayer.

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Stop putting yourself in a box. You are multi-talented. Just because you've always had jobs in a particular field does not mean you must continue down this path. Moving into another industry will be a welcome challenge. You'll have to ask for help when you encounter responsibilities you've never held before. That won't be a problem. Your colleagues will be happy to show them the ropes. In exchange, you'll be able to help them solve problems, thanks to your fresh perspective.

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Be attentive to the needs of others. Although you are determined to reach a particular goal, you shouldn't do so at the expense of a romantic or business partner. Be willing to compromise if your ideas conflict with theirs. When you demonstrate a willingness to live together in harmony, your other half will do their best to meet you halfway. It may be necessary to have several discussions before hitting upon an agreement. Be patient, caring and compassionate.

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Ignoring your intuition is a terrible mistake. As a general rule, you rely on logic when making decisions. You're now facing a confusing situation. Rational thought doesn't apply to an erratic person. Instead of trying to outwit this individual, listen to your heart. It is telling you to cut ties as soon as possible. By obeying this impulse, you'll save yourself a great deal of heartache. There are some people who don't care how their actions affect others. Avoid them like the plague.

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Friends have too much influence on your choices. If you're longing for fun, don't ask for your loved ones' approval. Sign up for a training course, ask someone for a date or start a creative project. Ignore anyone who claims you are being impractical or irresponsible. Such pests have an ulterior motive for turning you away from pleasure. They've got used to you doing all the hard work. You've done enough heavy lifting for these demanding individuals. It's time to put your own needs and desires first and foremost.

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