
A prophetic dream could hold the solution to persistent financial problems. Don't be afraid to explore a business notion or creative idea that surfaced while you were asleep. Such an inspiration is definitely worth developing. Keep paper and pencil by your bedside. In the meantime, give yourself positive reinforcement whenever you catch yourself worrying about money. Counting your blessings helps to ward off pessimism.

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An interesting observation by a friend could cause you to strike out in a new direction. Perhaps your pal has noticed that you possess a hidden talent. Developing this gift could be more rewarding than you think. Many people tend to think of you as a reliable, stable sort of person who isn't prone to taking risks. This is your big day to prove the public wrong. Changing your appearance could be a smashing success.

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Behind-the-scenes communications with an authority figure could lead to some exciting ideas. Take care not to reveal these plans to anybody else. The element of surprise is crucial here. Making an unexpected public appearance could have a stunning effect. Be prepared to bask in the spotlight. In the meantime, do everything in your power to develop a presentation that is eye-catching but simple.

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A letter or e-mail from a faraway place could inspire you to study an unusual subject. You're tired of being everybody else's support system. Pulling the rug from under your loved ones' feet may be the only way to get their attention and respect. Some onlookers will criticise you for being irresponsible and selfish. Turn a deaf ear to these barbs. You have every right to follow your bliss, no matter where it takes you.

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Forming an unusual alliance could get you lots of favourable attention today. Some folks think you're too egotistical to yield the spotlight to a partner. This is your big chance to prove these critics wrong. You're perfectly willing to subvert your needs for the sake of the group, providing the results are spectacular. Your cooperative behaviour will gain you access to areas that were previously barred to you.

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Someone with an exotic background can help you cope with problems that have always nagged you. Once you understand that there is more than one way to skin a cat, you'll be more apt to take other people's suggestions. While it's true you're incredibly efficient, there are some gaps in your knowledge. By opening your mind and heart, you'll be able to fill in these holes, as well as make a few friends.

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Knowledge that you always thought was useless could suddenly come in handy today. It just goes to show that there is an unusual order to the Universe. The next time you're asked to master a task that seems pointless, think back on this moment. Your desire to help others is most attractive. Don't be surprised if an admirer makes you a romantic offer that is impossible to refuse. This evening could prove very sexy.

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An intellectually stimulating love interest causes you to reconsider your true nature. You usually don't consider yourself to be a light-hearted person, but today you can't help but laugh at everything and everyone. Don't underestimate the effect that love can have on the heart. Now that you've seen how much capacity for joy you really have, you should make a greater effort at pursuing pleasure.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have terrific instincts when it comes to solving problems. Working with a group gives you a feeling of camaraderie that is extremely satisfying. You do not have the desire to be the star of the show today. Being a team player is all you really want. Your crew is quickly growing into an affectionate family of sorts. Make a point of inviting colleagues over to your home. This will seal your bonds of affection.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A child's spontaneous remark could give you creative inspiration today. This is a wonderful time to work with paints, paper, and other art materials. You never know what you can come up with until you experiment. Sometimes, you have a feeling that you have no imagination whatsoever. If you give yourself time to play, however, you'll realise that there is an artist buried deep within you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Installing some new technology could save you plenty of time and money. Fortunately, you have an innate talent for mastering gadgets and software. Once you have everything in place, you must plan what you're going to do with all of your improved finances. Building an addition to your home is a distinct possibility. There has never been a better time to adapt your abode to fit your needs.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Connecting with friends and family bring about some exciting events. You may be inspired to host a reunion or visit a loved one who lives nearby. A sense of restlessness pervades whatever you do. You're on the brink of a big change, and it will probably involve someone who is close to your heart. Be eager to try new experiences. You've been longing for something to happen; here is your reward!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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