
You'll have to obey the same laws and customs as everyone else. Don't make enemies by insisting on getting special treatment. Wait your turn and pay all the necessary fees for services. Keep receipts of all of your transactions, just in case someone thinks you are taking advantage of your position. It's easy to get irritated by an overly emotional relative. If you feel your temper starting to rise, sneak off to some private corner where you can regain your composure.

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A sleepless night will make you irritable. It will be difficult to carry out all of your duties when you're so tired. Ask a colleague or relative for help. Let a sympathetic friend pamper you until you get some rest. Lording your beliefs over others will create a great deal of unhappiness. Give people the freedom to pursue their personal philosophies. You don't have to agree with these notions to work together effectively. Steer clear of sensitive issues like religion and politics.

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Trying to push past your human limitations is futile. Give yourself a break. If you fall short of your goals, you can always resume your journey tomorrow. The important thing is to be kind to yourself, or you'll never move forward. Friends are disdainful of a self improvement programme, feeling it's an unnecessary distraction. In the future, don't share your plans with the general public. The last thing you need is to hear discouraging remarks when you're trying to undergo a transformation.

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Don't look to your best friend or romantic partner for guidance. You have to think for yourself when planning a personal transformation. If you feel like changing your look or buying a daring outfit, go ahead. Sometimes you have to present a new image to be treated differently. A critical authority figure is wearing on your last nerve. Although you have an impressive background, they continue to question your assertions at every turn. Maybe it's time to launch your own business.

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Could you be worrying so much that your health is suffering? You should look into finding ways to chill out and relax. Clear your mind and the solutions you seek could suddenly come into your head. The key is to stop fretting and start opening your mind to more positive processes. You'll get on famously with someone who has an infectious laugh. An attentive lover will also take the edge off your anxiety. A candlelit dinner and soft music will heighten your desire for one another.

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Finding time to express your creativity will be difficult. You have so many responsibilities on your plate. This is a sign you must ask for help. That's not easy for a highly capable person like you, but it is necessary. Someone who hasn't been pulling their weight needs to be confronted. They'll act as if you're being unfair, but everyone knows who has been doing the lion's share of the work. Don't back down. A romantic or business partner will back you up.

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Nothing in life is secure right now. Changes at work may prompt you to look for another job. Similarly, you might have to look for a new place to live. If you receive distressing news, stay calm. It's not the end of the world. You have a lot of caring friends who are eager to come to your aid. Ask them for assistance in finding work or an apartment. Have you been suffering from a persistent ache or pain? A holistic therapy will bring immediate relief.

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The information you've been given has been faulty. Don't take anything as the gospel truth. Experts have a way of changing their minds at the last minute. Even if you have been reassured you will occupy a certain position at work, someone will move you to a different department at the last minute. Don't put up a fight. It may develop that you're actually better off in this new spot. The work will be more creative and emotionally rewarding.

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You pride yourself on being self reliant. It's not always possible or even desirable to be independent. Instead of going off on your own, ask a loved one to accompany you. Give them little jobs that will contribute to your success. By working together, you will yield impressive results. Your relationship will also improve. Don't react to a child's temper tantrum. If they see you aren't bothered by bad behaviour, they'll stop throwing fits every time they are disappointed.

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Imposing your will on a loved one will tear your relationship apart. You've got to adopt a more nurturing attitude. Acting like a high powered executive in your own home will cause resentment. Take your cues from a relative or neighbour who has a wonderful partnership. A little kindness and consideration go a long way. Make a point of giving your amour three sincere compliments. At first, they'll question your motives. As the day wears on, their resistance fades.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Going on faith is difficult. You're the type who needs facts and figures to feel confident. Unfortunately, some of the most important challenges in life require venturing into the dark. Waiting around for a guarantee will stop you reaching new heights. A loved one or neighbour's angry remarks make you realise they've been fostering a great deal of resentment. Maybe it's time to adopt a gentler approach. Sensitive people need to be coaxed, convinced cajoled. Pour on the charm.

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Waiting around for approval will be an exercise in futility. You'll have to move towards your goal, even if it causes a scandal. If that means leaving a job or breaking off a relationship quite suddenly, so be it. You simply cannot subject yourself to a miserable situation any longer. Trust your instincts and know your true friends will stand by you. A child or pet will ease this difficult transition. Spend some quality time together and don't let your sorrow show.

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