
Taking a class will boost your social life. Your fellow students are just as intelligent and interesting as you. Together, you'll have fun sharing meals and discussing your favourite subjects. At least one of your new friends will encourage you to realise a cherished dream. With their help, you'll be able to reach heights you never dreamed possible. It's just a matter of adopting a positive attitude and asking for assistance when you need it. Being a lone wolf is overrated.

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Money is flowing into your bank account. It's up to you to ensure it won't go right back out again. Although you crave certain status symbols, it's important to put these objects in perspective. Wearing flashy clothes and owning the latest gadgets won't bring the long term pleasure you desire. You're better off putting your money into a savings account. In a few years, you'll be able to retire in leisure while everybody else is toiling away. Keep your eyes on the prize.

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Sharing your expertise with others gives you tremendous pleasure. Don't be surprised if someone offers you a teaching job. Providing instruction to disadvantaged members of your community is especially rewarding. After studying with you, your students will feel a sense of purpose that is extremely empowering. They'll be able to land good jobs and overcome problems that once held them back from success. It's good to know you have made such a positive contribution to your community.

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Spending time on solitary pleasures will fuel your creativity. This is a wonderful time to plunge into painting, music, dance, or design. You're artistic by nature and are always putting imaginative touches on your work. Launching a project that has nothing to do with making money will be liberating. You won't have to ask anyone's permission to follow your instincts or try something daring. The only person you'll have to satisfy is yourself. This endeavour will give you a sexy glow that is virtually irresistible.

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If you're looking for love, ask a friend to set you up on a blind date. This will result in one of the most enjoyable evenings you've had in a long time. There's even a chance you will steer a platonic relationship into romantic waters. You need a partner who can make you laugh at yourself. Too often, your admirers are so spellbound by your charms they can't be honest about your shortcomings. This results in an unhealthy balance. Strive for a more forthcoming union.

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Your quest for success will be fruitful. A plum assignment will be awarded to you as thanks for all the good work you've done in the past. If you continue to excel, you'll be given a raise or promotion. Are you out of work? Reach out to people you've worked with in the past. One may hear of a job that is just perfect for you. When it comes to finding employment, who you know is often more important than what you know.

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A teaching or writing opportunity will fall into your lap. This will be a great way to get paid for doing something you love. Students appreciate your enthusiastic approach. So often, instructors are so bored with their own subject that their classrooms feel like tombs, not places of learning. If you have a chance to study with a respected expert, grab it. Sign up as soon as classes become available, for these spaces won't remain open for long.

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Launching a profound personal transformation will be difficult, but good for you in the long run. You're tired of being held prisoner by dark memories. By breaking away from an oppressive relative's influence, you can embark on a happier, healthier life. There's a chance the person who used to torment you is no longer around. If that's the case, give yourself permission to put this relationship behind you, for once and for all. You don't owe this bully any loyalty. Give yourself permission to get angry and move forward.

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A romantic or business partnership will serve you well. You are a highly capable person, but have only one pair of hands. Having a helper will give you more time for the activities you enjoy. Of course, you should offer to take some jobs off their plate, too. The good news is you have very different tastes from your friend. By dividing the work up according to your strengths, it will be much easier to finish tasks in a timely fashion.

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You're starting to see the results of a health regime, which is really gratifying. It just goes to show even small sacrifices can make a tremendous difference. At first, you wondered if you'd ever be able to escape temptation. Now you've learned to stop indulging in certain vices, you're perfectly happy. You also look and feel great. No wonder so many people are looking at you with longing eyes. You've never been more attractive. Use this allure to your advantage.

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Your capacity for fun makes you a popular figure. Don't be surprised when two people start competing for your heart. While all of this attention is flattering, your heart belongs to someone else entirely. The object of your affection is warm, generous quick to laugh. You both enjoy the same sports and hobbies don't take life too seriously. Take this opportunity to spend some quality time together, away from the madding crowd. A short trip out of town will fuel your passion for one another.

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Indulging your family is one of your favourite pastimes. You love cooking your relatives' favourite meals and making a big fuss over their accomplishments. Some people accuse you of spoiling your nearest and dearest, but when you're kind to the people you adore, you lift your own spirits. That's because you see them as extensions of yourself. What's good for the group nearly always benefits you. Don't be surprised if a hidden benefactor pays a big household bill as thanks for your help.

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