
You are reluctant to let down your guard with a loved one. Just because you were burned in the past doesn't mean it will happen again. Judge your would be confidante on the basis of their actions. Have they ever betrayed you before? Are their words inconsistent with their actions? Do they treat you with care and respect? The answers to these questions will tell you whether or not it's safe to come clean. A loving relative may offer to help you with an expensive household purchase.

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You will be asked to take responsibilities off a loved one's shoulders. Fortunately, you're organised and capable. It won't overwhelm you to add more chores to your list of daily duties. You should take some measures against burnout. Schedule a weekly massage. Take a nap each day. Go on a solitary walk at lunch. Do anything you can to escape the work grind. Treating yourself with care and consideration will give you the necessary stamina to help your friend.

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Take care of your health, even if it means altering your schedule. Having regular meal times can keep you from overeating. A relaxing bedtime routine can help you sleep through the night. Physical exercise will lift your mood and keep illness at bay. Instead of embarking on a radical programme, just make a few sensible alterations. You'll be amazed how effective it can be. Don't be surprised when your love life heats up as a result. Your physical desire is directly linked to your health.

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Caring for a child, pet or plant will take time and patience. Try not to get upset when you don't see an immediate return on your investment. Trust your instincts and do what's necessary to create a tranquil but uplifting environment. Develop ways to cope with stress. When you start feeling anxious, breathe deep and count to ten. The more successfully you deal with challenges, the easier it will be for others to thrive. Take your cues after a loved one who demonstrates grace under fire.

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Making repairs to your home will be engrossing. You love finding ways to recycle old materials and preserve stylish details. If you don't own your place, think about buying one. You can get very generous terms from a bank or lending institution. Having a steady job can strengthen your application. Ask your employer to write you a reference. Are all the homes in your area outside your price range? Think about taking advantage of a government program tailored towards people in your situation.

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Gathering useful knowledge will improve your job prospects. Although you don't want to be tied down to a single field, there are subjects that can help you in virtually any job. Computer skills are extremely desirable to most employers. Clear, concise communication is also an asset. If you want to live abroad, take up a profession that can be easily transferred overseas. Are you looking for love? You could find it with a successful business executive who has powerful charisma.

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Money is tight, so you should be as resourceful as possible. If you want to buy something luxurious, save up for it. You may decide you don't want it after you reach your financial goal. If this happens, put your nest egg into an interest bearing savings account. Having an economic cushion will give you a greater measure of freedom in your private and public lives. If you've always wanted to launch your own business, now is a good time to try.

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Keeping busy fills you with pride and pleasure. You're capable of doing twice the work of most people. Take this opportunity to take up a new hobby. You may develop a strong affinity for refurbishing antique furniture, socialising, stray animals or turning abandoned lots into beautiful gathering spaces. Don't be surprised if you become something of a superstar in your community. Neighbours will seek your advance and become loyal customers if you choose to turn this pastime into a business.

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This is a good time to face your demons. You're not someone who is motivated by fear. You'd rather move towards the light than dwell in the shadows. If you're scared to move forward, tell a sympathetic friend. Go for some counselling. Do whatever you can to attain an elusive goal. Have you been afraid to demand what you are worth? Develop strategies for becoming more assertive. The sooner you defend your interests, the happier you will be.

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You have an opportunity to realise a cherished dream. Stop postponing this task. There is no time like the present. Your powerful charisma will help you vault over obstacles that once blocked your path. When you become discouraged, try leaning on a loyal friend for help. Their words of support will recharge your batteries and give you renewed hope for the future. Always remember the most important goals require hard work. Don't worry; all these sacrifices will pay off.

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The prospect of building a solid career is intimidating. You don't want to back yourself into a corner. Instead of taking a series of lacklustre jobs, strive for a prominent position. This job will involve lots of responsibility, but you are capable of handling these duties. Assuming the driver's seat will refresh your love for work. In the past, you shied away from demanding jobs. Now you realise you are well suited to a career that draws on your managerial skills.

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Developing a meaningful philosophy will serve as a good navigation system. Whenever you're confronted with an ethical dilemma, you can fall back on your moral code. At times, you can be forced to choose a lesser of two evils. Try not to beat yourself up when this happens. Living in the real world involves compromise. By acting with integrity, you can maintain a clear conscience. Stay away from people who are steeped in immoral behaviour. Associating with these characters could backfire.

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