
A secret love affair gives your life a welcome dose of spice. Whether you're an active participant or covering up for a friend is immaterial. It's nice to watch passion thrive outside of the glare of public scrutiny. Thankfully, you've always been good at keeping secrets. Just take care if an unwitting victim is hurt by this alliance. You wouldn't want to contribute to the misery of an unsuspecting youngster or spouse. Consider the big picture and act accordingly.

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Your mad plan to set two friends up on a blind date just might work. You've got a good feel for people and suspect these two would hit it off swimmingly. Of course, you should be praiseworthy but honest when describing one to the other. You wouldn't want to give anyone false expectations. That being said, there are so many positive qualities to each friend that you won't have much trouble giving rave reviews. Take a male friend's advice regarding your appearance.

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A member of the opposite sex is poised to champion your career. They have every faith in your creative ability, even when you don't. Stop entertaining your worst fears and start thinking more positively. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a high powered executive. Being in their company is both stimulating and intimidating. Take care not to lose yourself in this relationship. It's all too easy to be overshadowed by this superstar. Always remember you're just as stellar.

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Travel and adventure prove enjoyable. If you're in a love affair that feels a little stale, take this opportunity to go on a glamorous trip together. Sometimes all you need to reignite the passion is a change of scenery. Don't overlook your partner's sexual suggestions. The more receptive you are to their ideas, the more attentive they'll be to your needs. If you're single, you could meet someone special at an exotic seaside resort.

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Money from a loved one helps you buy some luxury items which were previously out of reach. This is a great time to get some luscious luxurious treats. Of course, you don't want to get into debt. If you have outstanding bills, pay them off now, while you can. Freeing yourself from financial obligation is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Granted, you won't have much tangible to show for it, but you can't put a price on liberty.

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A close partnership proves fulfilling. You can trust a helpful workmate, lover, or best friend to help you with a difficult duty. Take this opportunity to indulge in some of your favourite activities. Writing, playing music, or planning a garden are all good ways to lift your spirits. If you are looking for love, you could find it at a book club. Be on the lookout for someone who has a faraway look in their eyes. The two of you have similar reading tastes.

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You're able to accomplish great things at work, mostly because you drive yourself so hard. No longer content with being one of the most popular members of the team, you're intent on nabbing the top spot. The secret of your success is an ability to anticipate what the public wants. By tailoring your efforts to meet their needs, you'll reach new heights. The results of a fitness regime are paying off. Don't be surprised if you make a love connection at the gym or in yoga class.

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As far as you're concerned, all is fair in love and war. If you've got a romantic rival, it's time to step up your game. It may be impossible for the object of your affection to resist your powers of seduction. Of course, you need more than sex to hold their attention. That's why it's important to discover their likes and dislikes. Take the time to read your amour's favourite books and watch their top movies. There's no better way to demonstrate your devotion.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending time with your favourite relative will be uplifting. They have a way of intuiting your mood. If you're happy, they'll propose all sorts of fun activities to prolong the feeling. If you're blue, they'll quickly work to get you laughing again. You especially appreciate their ability to put your problems in perspective. When you're able to laugh at life and the difficulties it brings, you know you'll surmount them. It's all a matter of refusing to take life too seriously.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have the ability to charm the birds out of the trees. There's never been a better time to apply for a loan, ask for a favour, or propose an important change. If you have a crush on somebody, ask for a date. It will be difficult to say 'no' to someone as appealing as you. Advertising efforts are highly favoured now - this is a great time to generate publicity for a business or product. Make sure your design is both provocative and beautiful.

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Resist the urge to spend money as fast as you make it. There's no denying you have a serious craving for luxury. And there's nothing wrong with that. The key is to buy something which will afford long term pleasure. Choosing one special item is ultimately more satisfying than filling a shopping cart with bits and bobs. Put the rest of your earnings into savings, where they will multiply and grow. There will come a day when you will be profoundly grateful for this nest egg.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're slinky, sultry, and ultra-sexy today and you'll have to pick your way through crowds of admirers. Fortunately, one or two are worth your time. You're especially drawn to those who admire your offbeat sensibilities. If there's anything you can't stand, it's people who pretend they're too cool to enjoy certain singers, artists, or films. As far as you're concerned, the more eccentric a person's taste, the more attractive they are. Team up with a fellow oddball. Together, you'll move mountains.

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