
If you're not being treated with the same respect as your colleagues, it's time to speak up. You're a fast worker who often does twice the amount of work in half the usual time. This causes your boss to give you more than your fair share of responsibility. Instead of continuing this trend, bring the problem to your boss's attention. Ask for a raise or additional annual leave as compensation for your extraordinary efforts. Someone with your abilities should be treated like the treasure you are.

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You'll have to get more training to land the work assignments you want. Taking a crash course will work to your advantage. Don't be put off by a teacher who talks quickly. Instead of trying to record their every word in a notebook, listen intently to their presentations. Eventually, you'll soak up this information like a sponge. It's an especially good time to acquire technical skills like coding and programming. This background will make you a hot commodity on the job market.

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Trying to buy someone's affection is a mistake. Instead of buying a youngster or a romantic partner an extravagant gift, arrange to spend quality time together. It may take several attempts to get on their schedule, so be patient. Persistence is the key to improving this relationship. If you demonstrate a willingness to reconnect, they'll let down their guard. When you do meet, keep your mobile off. Be fully focused on your friend, even if it means going off social media for a few hours.

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Climbing the ladder to success takes focus and determination. If your best friend or romantic partner isn't supportive of your dream, stop discussing plans with them. The last thing you want is to be discouraged when you gain traction. There's a chance your other half is afraid you will abandon them when you get a better job. If that's the case, you must establish a healthier sense of trust. You can't have a rewarding relationship with someone who is suspicious of your motives.

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You're tired of being eclipsed by colleagues who have less expertise than you. If there's no opportunity to advance in your current job, look for another. Be willing to apply for positions that seem too advanced for your level of experience. You're much more accomplished and knowledgeable than you realise. This tendency to underestimate yourself is the result of feeling unappreciated. You'll discover your true worth when you send out applications and go on interviews.

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Impulsive purchases will put you in financial jeopardy. Resist the temptation to fill an emotional void with material goods. It's much better to work on your relationships instead. If you're single, confront your unwillingness to cultivate intimacy. Just because someone hurt you in the past doesn't mean it will happen again. Are you dealing with an untrustworthy romantic partner? Then it's time to get some counselling. Talking to a third party will allow you to treat a troubling dynamic in a productive way.

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Your self-worth should not rely on other people's opinions. Instead of trying to win the approval of your partner, seek to satisfy yourself. Make time for the activities you love, even if this means cutting back your work schedule. Going to museums, listening to music and working on handicrafts will cause your self-confidence to soar. That's because your subconscious will feel valued. When you neglect your needs, you put unfair demands on your nearest and dearest.

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You've developed a habit of being self-interested at work. When you were generous, colleagues took advantage of the situation. As a result, you're reluctant to do anything but the bare minimum. Break this rule now, when someone is snowed under with responsibility. By taking a few chores off their plate, you'll cultivate a much happier professional environment. You'll start looking forward to going to the office, rather than dreading it. When you give a little, you'll receive a lot.

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Money is tight, but that shouldn't get in the way of having fun. If you're on a budget, you can enjoy hobbies that don't involve lots of money. Visit the library if you need inspiration. You're sure to find some good books and movies while browsing the stacks. Are you single? Don't let this stop you from finding love. Casual lunch dates shouldn't break the bank. Stop telling yourself your true worth is reflected by your bank account. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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It's difficult to contain your anger at a relative who broke your spirit as a child. While this treatment was unfortunate, it shouldn't affect your current situation. Use the power of now. If this means pursuing your dream career, moving to another part of the world or starting a family, go for it. There's a good chance you'll hear critical voices from the past as soon as you change direction. Silence these negative remarks. You're in charge now. Give yourself the encouragement you deserved when you were young.

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Disapproval of a neighbour or friend is creating problems in your personal life. Rather than dwelling on the annoying points of someone in your social circle, cultivate a more welcoming outlook. The more appreciative you are about the world, the less you will sweat the small stuff. You have perfectionist tendencies that sometimes cause you to ignore life's simpler pleasures. Take this opportunity to enjoy a solitary cup of coffee, a leisurely stroll or some quality time with your pets. This change will make you more magnanimous to others.

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You long for a more abundant way of life. For you to attract the prosperity you desire, you must treat yourself like royalty. Look at yourself in the mirror each day and say three positive things to your reflection. This will feel silly at first, but the longer you perform this practice, the faster your income will accumulate. You've always been very generous with loved ones. There's no reason you can't be just as kind to yourself. Treat yourself like your best friend.

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