
A moneymaking opportunity is worth pursuing. Pour all your energy into this contest, as the spoils will be impressive. Working for a prominent executive or corporation will pave the way for bigger and better work assignments. When people see this impressive client on your CV, they'll clamour for your services. Never underestimate the importance of a big name in generating business. When negotiating a salary or fee, aim for the higher end. Demanding what you are worth brings respect.

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Your forceful personality makes people sit up and take notice of you. This is a great time to show off your expert knowledge. Demonstrating a command for facts and figures will result in a teaching or media position. Make sure you don't impose this air of authority at home. Your family won't appreciate being ordered around. You may be a superstar in intellectual circles, but you're just another relative on the domestic front. Don't bristle at your loved ones' irreverence. It's good for your ego.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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People are sceptical about your bold proposals. They think they'll fare better by following the traditional way. Instead of pressing your case, turn your attention to a more rewarding area of life. A romantic relationship is heating up. Spending time with your amour makes you feel fabulous. It's gratifying to exchange ideas with someone who is open to different viewpoints. Together, you can make exciting plans. Joining households, starting a business and going on an overseas trip are all possibilities.

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If you feel overwhelmed, ask your best friend or romantic partner for support. Their tender loving care will boost your confidence. Thanks to their encouragement, you'll have the strength to confront a persistent problem. For many years, you've longed to pursue a goal. Fear of being selfish has stopped you from embarking on this journey. Instead of putting everyone else's needs first, you'll make your own desires primary. This confident attitude will help you attain victory in record time.

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A thrilling career opportunity is within your reach. Going above and beyond the call of duty will help you secure this position. Working overtime or coming in on the weekend will demonstrate a seriousness of purpose. Your employer will be impressed by your diligence and reward you with an impressive promotion. If you're unemployed, don't get your heart set on a particular field. You can thrive in a variety of industries, thanks to your hard work and tenacity. Widen your search.

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Travelling abroad for business or pleasure is in the cards. You'll have a wonderful time exploring a country with a radically different culture. Don't hesitate to try culinary delicacies. You will develop a fondness for a particular type of food that isn't readily available at home. At times, you will feel like a fish out of water on this trip. That's healthy. Being an outsider will make you a more compassionate, adaptable person. This will make you a better friend, colleague and neighbour.

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This is a wonderful time to apply for a grant, loan or scholarship. Although the competition is fierce, yours will be one of the first applications accepted. That's because you know how to make a good impression. If you have an interview, dress conservatively and make eye contact. When filling out paperwork, be as specific as possible. If you're not sure how to answer a question, call the office and ask for guidance. Avoid being overly familiar with officials. Respectful behaviour pays off.

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Be willing to look at a loved one's side of the story. Good listening skills will pave the way for a harmonious relationship. Nobody likes to feel like their concerns are dismissed. Although you may not think your amour's complaints are valid, you'll change your mind after hearing how your behaviour is affecting their feelings for you. The last thing you want is to be seen as an oppressive tyrant. Practicing kindness and compassion will restore the passion that once flowed freely between you.

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Your financial situation will improve dramatically, thanks to a steady work assignment. Take this opportunity to put some money into a savings account. Having a nest egg will give you a greater measure of freedom. You won't be able to travel freely because of work responsibilities. That's a bitter pill to swallow until you remember the big picture. If you pay your dues now, you'll be able to do some globetrotting later. Focus on becoming a valued employee.

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Your dynamic personality attracts romantic attention. If you're single, you'll have your choice of admirers. Choose the one with an earthy laugh. You'll generate powerful chemistry that keeps you bonded together. Are you already in a relationship? Try not to put too much emphasis on the sensual side of your union. Instead, court your partner with kind words, thoughtful gestures and lovely gifts. When a person feels valued, they let down their defences and will want to move closer to you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending more time at home strengthens family ties. In the past, you had a tendency to pour all your energy into work. This made you tired and dispirited. Even an independent person like you needs the support of your nearest and dearest. By putting your job in its proper perspective, you'll have much more energy for the people you love. A romantic interest may be jealous of your relationship with a close relative. Don't get defensive. Focus on being fair to both parties.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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When you do something you enjoy, time becomes elastic. You suddenly have much more energy for other activities. Work doesn't feel nearly as burdensome and friends become a source of strength. If your boss asks you to add more hours to your shift, be ready to refuse. You are no longer willing to spend every waking moment at the office. Playing sports, making art and spending time with friends are sometimes more important than climbing the corporate ladder.

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