
Establishing a household routine could be your first order of business today. Unless you delegate chores in a clear fashion, they'll never get done. Mark off on a calendar when things need to be done, and by whom. If you're on your own, you may want to devote each day of the week to a different task. That way, you won't be overwhelmed by the prospect of all the work you have to do.

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Writing, reading, and correspondence are all favoured activities today. If you've been meaning to get back in touch with an old friend, do so today. This person may have exciting news to share with you. Sending out work proposals might also prove effective, as you express your ideas clearly and persuasively now. Be sure to follow up on a reading recommendation. The book in question could open new worlds for you.

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One of the best ways to attract wealth is to see yourself as prosperous, so, it's a good idea to thoughtfully purchase a luxury item you can use every day. Buying a top-of-the-line cell phone, Palm Pilot, or laptop will send your subconscious a powerful message that its wants and needs are valued. Of course, you should only buy something that speaks to your soul. There's little satisfaction in acquiring meaningless status symbols.

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Getting your ideas across should be no problem; in fact, people may be begging for your insight. You won't have to go along with the crowd in order to be popular. By staying true to your beliefs, you will win the trust and admiration of everyone around. Taking up a new hobby can provide you with the intellectual stimulation you crave. Any skills you learn today should stay with you for a lifetime.

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Your vivid imagination could lead you down interesting avenues if you let it. Don't feel guilty about daydreaming. Contrary to what some people say, it serves a valuable purpose. How can you have any aspirations if you don't allow your mind to take off on flights of fancy? Indulge your whims by going on an all-day movie fest, overloading on romance novels, or simply drawing for pleasure. This is your day to goof off.

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Sometimes you gravitate toward self-interested groups as a means to feel valued. It's only natural such individuals would want your services, since they're so eager to be waited on. Take this opportunity to align yourself with generous souls who share your desire to make a positive difference in the world. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but your faith will be restored in humankind as well. Choose your friends and intimates with discretion.

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Having specialised knowledge will win you favourable attention at work. Try to learn everything you can about an emerging field or technology. If you're dissatisfied with your current career, this may be the time to prepare for a change. Enrol in any classes or certification courses that will bring you closer to your dream job. A speedy learner like you should have no trouble mastering difficult concepts and acquiring valuable skills.

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Exploring different cultures and customs could prove incredibly rewarding. It's comforting to know there are alternative ways of looking at life. You may even decide to study a foreign language as a means of understanding another country from the inside out. Embarking on this course of study could lead to a trip abroad. Don't hesitate to ask an expert for personalised instruction. You'll make good use of their time.

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Your powers of analysis are strong, especially when it comes to human motivation. Someone who has been constantly slipping beneath your radar could become totally transparent today. Feel free to break off any associations that make you uncomfortable, even if you have no concrete suspicions. Your intuition is right on target, and could be sending you a signal that someone close is not all they seem to be. Protect yourself.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A cosy one-on-one meeting could be deliciously stimulating today. Normally, you're cautious about letting down your defences. All of your fears and self-consciousness will evaporate in this person's presence, however. Perhaps it's because you sense your partner gets to you in ways that others do not. Whatever the reason for this closeness, enjoy it. The intimacy you share will enrich your life in many surprising ways.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The best way you can demonstrate self-respect is through a healthy program of diet and exercise. People will be far more likely to treat you well if they see you taking care of your body. True, the results of your regimen won't be immediately evident to the naked eye, but your attitude will change when it's begun. Once others see you walking taller and speaking with confidence, they'll give you their full attention.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your enthusiastic way of expressing ideas is incredibly attractive and draws admirers from near and far. And though you're flattered by all this attention, your heart probably belongs to one person alone. Take some time to demonstrate your devotion through a poem, love letter, or song. You don't have to craft a masterpiece; just say what's in your heart. Kids are especially needy of loving words today.

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