
You express yourself with enthusiasm and confidence. Even sceptics are charmed by your upbeat attitude. Take this opportunity to make a bold proposal or sales pitch. You'll attract some influential backers who will push this project past the finish line. You will also have great success pursuing a job, role or date. Take the direct approach; beating around the bush will only waste valuable time. Life is moving at lightning speed, which is exactly the way you like it.

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Someone will confide a juicy secret. Keep this information under wraps. Maintaining your silence will earn the trust of someone who was wondering about your discretion. Once you establish you can keep your mouth shut, you'll get a chance to collaborate on creative projects together. Your impressive skills, combined with their daring vision, will be an unbeatable combination. Don't be surprised when commissions start pouring in; people are willing to pay good money for your handiwork. Charge accordingly.

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Working on a group project will be rewarding. You'll enjoy correcting small mistakes that escape the attention of unobservant people. Thanks to you, the team will be able to submit a flawless performance. You might even be named most valuable player. That's because people appreciate your diplomatic approach. Instead of making people feel stupid for their errors, you draw attention to their mistakes in a caring, compassionate way. Don't be surprised when you're offered some lucrative freelance work after this job has concluded.

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A public presentation or job interview will go extremely well. Instead of trying to emulate others, focus on setting yourself apart from the competition. Your ability to offer something that is fresh, new and exciting will result in a great career opportunity. If you get the chance to take the helm of a new division at a company, accept. You'll bring out the best in your team. That's because you encourage individuals to find their own strengths, rather than urging them to meet some arbitrary standard.

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Sharing your expertise with others will be lots of fun. Not only will you enjoy sharing your insights, but you'll be gratified to work with eager students. In the past, people didn't take much interest in your specialised knowledge. That's because they had no appreciation for your favourite subject. Once you're able to work with people who share your interest, your confidence will soar. This course could lead to a trip abroad. Getting paid to travel is the Universe's reward for your hard work.

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This is a good time to look at your expenses. Cutting down costs can be as easy as transferring your debts to a no interest credit card. Paying off this sum will be easier when you're not juggling different accounts while incurring fees along the way. It is also a wise idea to take a second look at your daily expenses. Instead of buying coffee every day, brew your own and take it to work in a flask. You'll be delighted by how much money you can save from this one change.

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Signing a contract or entering an agreement will work to your advantage. You'll benefit from working with someone who takes the direct approach to business. You tend to take a long time to get to the point, especially when it comes to demanding payment. Being able to give this job to your partner will allow you to focus on what you do best: Creative work. Resist the temptation to correct your other half when you think they're being too brash. Their style gets results; don't question it.

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Adopting a health regime will yield impressive results. You'll feel much better when you start feeding yourself nutritious food, taking daily exercise and getting more rest. It can also help you to practice relaxation techniques. You're an intense person who can be easily overwhelmed. When you feel the walls close in, practice a technique to regain your equilibrium. Always remember that your physical and mental health are intertwined. When you attend to one area, the other will also improve.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An intense flirtation makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. If you're single, think seriously about asking the object of your affection for a date. What started as an enticing dynamic encounter could become stale when neither one of you makes a move. Are you in a relationship? Lavish your amour with affection. Returning to the early days of your courtship will make you more adventurous. You may decide to visit an exotic country together; roughing it will be lots of fun.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Talking with a relative will shed light on a situation that has confused you for years. Once you learn about a family member's background, you'll understand why they've reacted so strangely to certain triggers. This will make you much more compassionate. Think about other people you know whose behaviour confounds you. It's possible they're dealing with similar problems. Instead of casting judgment on these perplexing people, exercise compassion. You'll notice a dramatic improvement in all your relationships.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting involved with a study, writing or research group will be stimulating. You'll enjoy working alongside people who are similarly fascinated by facts and figures. Whenever you encounter an obstacle, turn to other members of the team for guidance. They'll be happy to help you. In return, you will give friends the encouragement they need to pursue daring ideas. The best breakthroughs occur when inventive people congregate. The combined force of your brainpower will generate some impressive work.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're preoccupied with financial matters. If you're not making enough to pay the bills, think of new ways to generate income. Selling handicrafts, homemade food or personalised services will attract a steady stream of income. Think about work you can do in the privacy of your own home. Being able to set your own hours will make your labours seem more like play. Soon, you'll be so successful that you'll be able to quit your day job. Take the plunge; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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