
You could run the risk of gaining weight, especially if you've been neglecting your exercise routine. It's also important to avoid any sweets and junk food during this time, since such items take a real toll on your energy level. You're a naturally active person. Weighing down your system with sugar and fat will rob you of vitality. Of course, there's no harm in having an occasional treat. The key is to moderate indulgences with a bulk of fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables, and lean protein.

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Your love life has been getting you down. Bending over backwards to accommodate a critical lover makes you heartsick. You've got to start asserting your needs, even at the risk of provoking an argument. If the two of you break up, this will leave you open for bigger and better things. This may be a difficult prospect for someone like you, who prefers the familiar to the unknown. Still, you have to admit something has got to change for you to be happy.

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Face the facts about a troubled relative. Unless you hold them responsible for their actions, they'll continue to wreak havoc on your personal life. You could even get taken for a large sum of money. Staging an intervention may be necessary. If your family member isn't willing to get help, you may need to cut off contact. This will be painful, but it will be best in the long run. Lean on a sympathetic friend for support.

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Spending too much time on the phone is keeping you away from important duties. You may want to keep your mobile switched off, especially if you're working under a tight deadline. A woman could ask for your honest opinion, but really doesn't want it. She'd actually prefer a false compliment than constructive advice on her appearance. If there's anything you hate, it's stroking somebody's ego. Still, it may be the most prudent road to take right now.

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You've always loved to collect and hoard, which is getting in the way of your domestic comfort. It's time to clear out any clutter from storage spaces. Get rid of anything you haven't used in over a year. You can sell it, donate it to charity, or just throw it away. Make three piles if need be. A practical Virgo can help you sort the wheat from the chaff. Trust their judgment. You have to admit, you have a tendency to treat garbage like gold.

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Preoccupation with your looks is making you miserable. At some point, you need to accept your appearance, flaws and all. Stay away from tabloid magazines that place unnatural emphasis on cosmetic surgery and diets. Instead, make a list of your most attractive attributes. Turn your attention to these things every time you catch yourself thinking self critical thoughts. If you feel really despondent, you may want to get some counselling to strengthen your ego.

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Hiding from your problems will only compound them. It may be time to confront a hostile colleague or your entire weekend will be spoiled by anger and resentment. Although you prefer diplomacy to discord, this is one of those situations when you need to voice your displeasure. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after you've told them what's what. Clearing the air will also make you far more productive. Give yourself a luxurious reward for taking such a brave stance.

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You can't renounce your personal life for the sake of a friend. You've always been eager to help your loved ones, but one member of your social circle has been particularly demanding. They get resentful when you're not instantly responsive to their needs. You shouldn't have to justify your desire to see a lover or youngster. If your friend tries to commit emotional blackmail, it may be time to cut ties, at least temporarily. You don't want to encourage co-dependence.

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Although you look like a million dollars, you feel like something the cat dragged in. Deep down, you're afraid people will see through you. The truth is you're a very talented person. It's just that people are so distracted by your appearance they don't give you credit for your gifts. Maybe you should scale back the status symbols and flashy jewellery and opt for a more buttoned down look. This will prompt others to take you more seriously.

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It feels as though you're doing your best to make allowances for a woman's quirks, but she's not extending the same courtesy towards you. It's time to adjust the balance of power. The next time she's rude to you, demand an apology. She needs to know you won't stand for her nonsense. If you do business together, you may want to drop her as a client or find another person to provide you with similar services. You've got to defend your interests.

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Getting involved with someone just for physical gratification will lead to trouble. Although you're capable of remaining detached, your partner is not. Continuing this relationship will create great pain for your lover. You need to cut things off at the earliest opportunity, before they fall deeper in love. If you're looking for love, take care not to rush things in the loving department. Savour your courtship phase. The longer you linger over this stage, the better the chances for entering into a permanent union.

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Your partner may not be very attentive to your needs. You've got to be more demanding, even at the risk of being a nag. Too often, people take advantage of your low maintenance approach to life. If you keep letting others walk all over you, all of your relationships will deteriorate. If you are on your own, it may be because you don't want the trouble of a romantic union. This is understandable, but don't be surprised if love finds you in an unlikely place.

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