
You're determined to blaze new trails, even at the risk of looking odd. When people make fun of your unorthodox ways, grin and bear it. Carrying out outmoded traditions has no interest for you. You'd rather meet the needs of outsiders. Maybe that's because you identify with them. Summon your courage and approach a prominent executive with a bold idea. Launching a business or social program will be both challenging and fun. That's exactly the combination you enjoy most.

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Obey your intuition, especially as it concerns your family. A relative who has been struggling with an illness can benefit from an unconventional therapy. Be willing to meet with a medical professional who specialises in acupressure, aromatherapy or Reiki. You may be delighted with the results. Bringing relief to a loved one will lift your spirits. You have a special gift for making others feel comfortable and healthy. When you're around, everybody automatically relaxes. It's no wonder you're so popular.

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Working as part of a team will be more fun than you expect. You'll enjoy brainstorming with creative people. One great idea will lead to another, until you develop a program that everyone loves. You're worried about people in your community who are often neglected. By providing them with a space to gather and enjoy themselves, your neighbourhood will become much more pleasant. People will be much friendlier towards one another. You will see things beginning to get better.

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You're not the kind of leader who enjoys intimidating others. Instead, you draw members of the group together in a spirit of harmony. By championing individual strengths, everyone feels gratified. They work hard to impress you. As a result, your division is always making impressive progress, selling more than rivals and maintaining loyal customers. People have been quietly watching you with interest. Don't be surprised when you're given a rise, promotion or both.

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Curiosity about a foreign culture will prompt you to take a long distance trip. Experiencing another way of life will be liberating. There's a good chance you will be inspired to return to this place every year. Something about the atmosphere uplifts and revives you. If you're looking for love, you will find it with someone who has an alluring accent. You've led very different lives, which adds spice to your relationship. Trading stories about your experiences will be a continual source of entertainment.

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A powerful attraction causes you to make some radical changes. You're ready to relocate, undergo a health regime or get another job for the sake of your amour. Keep your plans secret for the immediate future. You don't want an overly cautious relative to undermine your decision. Although you crave security, it's important to take risks every now and then. Remaining stuck in a routine dulls your intellect and suppresses your creativity. Take a walk on the wild side.

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You enjoy close relationships, but it's important to maintain a measure of your freedom, too. If a business or romantic partner makes excessive demands, put some distance between you. Having a few hours of solitude each day is critical to your health. You're incredibly intelligent and wonderfully artistic. Devoting time to your favourite pursuits makes you more loving and giving. When you're forced to account for every minute of your time, you become angry and resentful.

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Taking an unusual job appeals to your love of adventure. You've never been the type to play it safe. Work involving an element of risk brings out the best in you. Well intentioned friends and relatives worry about your safety. That's because they underestimate you. Take their warnings with a pinch of salt. It is always wise to wear safety equipment when working with heavy machinery and sharp tools. It also helps to follow procedure. By exercising common sense, you'll thrive in this line of work.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your creative work has an exciting edge to it. Some people adore your style, while others hate it. At least you're not putting anyone to sleep. A prominent citizen in your community will give you a big commission. Doing a great job will lead to bigger and better assignments. Being able to escape the rat race to practice your art will be liberating. Even if you only sell your handiwork as a side business, you'll still make a tidy profit.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't be afraid to entertain untraditional ideas about home life. Rearranging your household to accommodate someone's strange schedule will be best for everyone involved. Forcing the whole family to eat and sleep at inconvenient times will make the whole group miserable. Casual observers may make fun of your routine, but who cares? The important thing is to support everyone who is affected. There are worse things in life than eating at unorthodox hours and sleeping during the day.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Going on an impromptu trip will bring out your romantic side. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel especially affectionate towards your partner. Obey an impulse to buy them a beautiful gift. Are you single? You might meet someone special who seems to know the ways of the world and has more experience than you do. You'll appreciate their warmth; they'll enjoy your originality. There is truth to the theory that opposites attract. Life will never be boring with someone who is so different.

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Don't feel compelled to earn money through traditional means. You can earn money by performing freelance work, acting as a caretaker or running errands for a busy executive. It's important for an artistic person like you to have a flexible schedule. Being able to audition for roles, write for long periods of time or practice a musical instrument is critical to your happiness. Therefore, it's entirely reasonable for you to avoid a conventional office job. Turn a deaf ear to critical relatives.

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