
You need to make a quick judgement call; having to make tough decisions will be stressful. There is no relying on outside support when circumstances call for an immediate response; you're going to have to do this alone. Past training may have taught you a lot of things but there is no better learning than being in the thick of it all. You are the one who has to make all the decisions now and the fewer restraints you place on yourself, the easier it will be.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A happy blend of romance and creativity will make this a day to remember forever. A lucky break will enhance your innate talents and encourage you to indulge your creative notions. You're being encouraged to exploit your full potential. Valuable agreements can be reached in existing unions. If you're single and trying to get the attention of someone you fancy use your imagination and put yourself in the spotlight in some way. The way you feel today, this won't be difficult!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A welcome change to your usual routines could have lasting and pleasing results. If you're enjoying the early stages of a new friendship or romance, a good sign will be when you receive an invitation to meet your partner's family or close friends. Don't be nervous about making the right impression because you can count on your partner to help keep the atmosphere relaxed. Each new situation you are faced with today will inspire, uplift and encourage you.

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A competition is by no means over so don't feel anxious if today's efforts don't come up to scratch. You're doing a lot better than a competitor so there are reasons to be cheerful. Challenging conditions will get the adrenalin flowing and makes you feel alive. With competition in the background being so tough, you can't afford to take your eye off the ball. By the end of the day you will feel as if you're starting to turn negatives into something more constructive.

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An obligation to a youngster or relative may force you to have to rearrange some plans at the last minute. Extra expenses related to these circumstances aren't going to please you. You'd like to help as much as you can but there are ways to lighten your financial burdens. Insist that wherever and whenever possible expenses are shared out equally. Try not to become so obsessed by the plight of others that you neglect your own personal happiness. When the going gets tough, don't lose your sense of humour!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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You continue to make significant headway with a personal or promotional project and the end is now in sight. You're reaching the beginning of the end of what has been a progressive few weeks. You've accomplished a lot and learned a lot about yourself in the process. You like to feel prepared for the future but try not to look too far ahead. Not everything will turn out as expected so if you don't build your hopes up, they can't be destroyed.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Vivid dreams or recent nightmares prey on your mind and disturb your waking hours. Dark emotions and heavy thoughts could make you want to withdraw from the world as you don't feel you're very pleasant company. Learn how to deal with these gloomy shadows that stop you thinking more positively. They need to be channelled and force fed into creative activities. Loved ones understand your need to recharge your batteries but you don't have to do this on your own.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Stop and consider before you start to speak and you aren't likely to put your foot in it! In family and social arrangements let others say what they need to say before you give an opinion. If your words can be misconstrued, think of how to put your views across more clearly. Misunderstandings seem to occur so easily. A loved one is worried about your relationship with someone they don't trust. Don't be taken in by attractive appearances and charming personalities when it's what lies beneath the gloss that's important.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Chatting with friends and colleagues will be more than just a pleasurable way of spending time. Conversations shared could be incredibly enlightening. People around you know what they're talking about and very soon you will feel considerably better informed about a recent matter that's caused you a lot of confusion. This could stop you from making a big mistake if you're on the brink of making an important decision and you were about to do so without knowing the true facts.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The more assertive you are, the easier it will be to live life on your own terms. Taking on new responsibilities will give you the chance to put some distance between you and situations causing you upset or disappointment. Once you've had a chance to view your world from a distant perspective you will realise exactly what's needed to make you feel better. You're ready to take the initiative and make some necessary changes. This will come as a surprise to some people who aren't used to you being so assertive.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Circumstances continue to call for you to show you will not be manipulated by those who think they can treat you like a puppet. You can't show someone obedience and respect when you're starting to discover how devious and false they can be. They may have got away with dishonest practices in the past but not anymore if you can help it. In knowing that you are standing up for what you believe in, you can hold your head up high.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Create a sense of buoyancy by emphasising the positive and eliminating the negative. If your first attempt at something new doesn't succeed, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. Be inspired by a challenge rather than letting it put you off. You might ask yourself whether it's worth the bother but curb any defeatist thoughts. Problems can be overcome if you work on them and the success will be all the more sweet because of the effort you've put into it.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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