
Just because you're fulfilling responsibilities to a partner doesn't mean you are keeping the terms of your agreement. If this union is going to work, you need to be kind and respectful, too. Nobody likes to be treated as a charity case. The sooner you lighten up, the less burdensome this relationship will be. If you're unhappy, you need to cut ties altogether. Stop pretending like the two of you have a solid partnership when you're just going through the motions.

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Harping on the rules and regulations is preventing you from doing a good job. This may seem like a paradox, but it's true. Sometimes you need to adjust your methods in order to meet the customer's needs or fulfil the project's requirements. If you stand around and insist on doing everything by the book, you'll waste valuable time. You'll also alienate your colleagues. This may not seem like a big deal now, but it will when you need their support with a personal matter.

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Beware of being too hard on a youngster. Whilst it's important to instil discipline, it's also necessary to be compassionate or they will be inhibited from developing their own style and sensibilities. Part of growing up involves breaking away and becoming independent. When this child steps out of line, it's because he or she is testing the waters, rather than flouting authority. Think back to when you were their age. Didn't you have the same impulses?

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You're extraordinarily sensitive today, and may take umbrage at harmless teasing. Before flying into a rage, ask yourself whether you're being a good sport. After all, your tormentor is a pretty nice person. Is it necessary to tear their head off for a silly remark? Someone may ask to borrow one of your possessions. Your first instinct is to refuse; you've been burned too many times in the past. Don't worry; you will be repaid for your kindness in this instance.

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You're unusually quiet today, prompting others to wonder if you're sick. Someone who has an impressive background makes you feel inadequate. Your accomplishments seem to pale in comparison to theirs. And while it's good that you want to give this expert the respect he is due, it's no reason to hide your light under a bushel. Dividends from an investment or inheritance will become available, enabling you to take an overseas trip.

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It's time to get rid of the clutter crowding your home and work space. Clinging too tightly to possessions is preventing revitalising energy from entering your life. If you don't know where to begin, ask a decisive Aries for help. A Ram will be able to quickly separate the wheat from the chaff. If you have a question whether to keep or toss an item, ask if you've used it within the past year. This should be your yardstick for everything but official documents.

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It feels like everybody is attacking you and maybe this is why you feel so defensive. The best way to cope with your critics is to relax and let confidence flow through you. The more self assured you are, the less likely they'll be able to cut you down. You've been blessed with keen powers of analysis. By observing the people who are constantly denigrating you, you'll notice their weak spots. The next time your tormentors take you to task, issue a few pointed remarks of your own.

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Dwelling on past mistakes won't do any good; you can't fix these things, no matter how much you try. What you can do is learn from your transgressions and make a fresh start. Back up your words with deeds; there's no better way to show you've changed. Too often, apologetic people make lots of promises, then forget to keep them. By proving you're trustworthy, others will stop holding the past against you. Children will have more respect for you, too.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You seem cold and indifferent to a friend's problems. This is because you're convinced your loved one is their own worst enemy. It's difficult for you to summon sympathy for someone who consistently hurls themselves into the arms of disaster. Explain the reason for your detached attitude. Although it will pain your friend to hear the truth, at least he or she will understand why you've become so distant. Perhaps this is the wakeup call your loved one needs.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Rigid attitudes and beliefs are putting a wedge between you and your colleagues. Standing around and criticising everyone inhibits them from doing their best. In fact, several people may be scared to do anything, for fear of being scorned and ridiculed. Soften your attitude just a bit. Try to look for the positive aspects of any performance. Be ready to improve your own performance. One thing is certain: You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Imposing your spiritual or ethical beliefs on others will cause resentment. You need to be respectful, even if you disagree with their way of life. If you try, you can have a good relationship with people who are very different. It's all a matter of recognising their strengths. Everyone has virtuous qualities, provided you are willing to look. Working alongside someone whose beliefs are totally alien could be an eye opening experience for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're obsessed with getting revenge, but it's taking a toll on your social life. Friends are worried you have stopped taking interest in the activities that once gave you pleasure. Even if you're still annoyed by the way you've been treated, it's best to let this issue go. It's not your job to mete out justice. On the surface, it looks as if your enemy is getting away with murder but karma will soon kick in, much to their dismay.

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