
You need to hide your competitive side or an authority figure will feel threatened. Yes, you think you can do a better job than your boss, but there's no need to advertise this belief. If you're thinking of launching your own company, keep it a secret. If you are self employed, you may want to branch out. It's probably too soon to expand your holdings. Spending more time with a youngster is a better use of your time. Your young friend craves your attention.

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You have sharp words for somebody who claims to know it all. Embarrassing them in public could have terrible consequences for you. Your victim will find a way to push you, even if your criticisms were fair. Perhaps it's better to remain silent in the face of their arrogant attitude. Fortunately, your family is poised to lavish you with love. Let them fuss over you. Secretly, you love being catered to like this; it gives you a feeling of importance that can be elusive in the workplace.

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A shopping spree will put a serious dent in your financial security. It's better to put your hard earned cash into savings, even if it means doing without fashionable clothes, fancy food, or expensive gadgets. Yes, you've always wanted to be in step with the times, but not at the cost of your own wellbeing. If arguments about money break out between you and your lover, you can be sure a power struggle is underway. Only one of you can call the shots.

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You're torn between doing what is best for you and making a sacrifice for a loved one. Ultimately, you should pursue your own interests. Too often, you repress your desires for the sake of somebody else. This makes you angry and resentful. Go ahead and buy yourself some fabulous luxury. After all, you rarely indulge your sensual side. By pampering yourself, you'll stop looking to others to satisfy your needs. This will be a tremendous breakthrough for you.

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It feels like you're being stifled by mediocrity. You've been blessed with superior creative talent. Unfortunately, whenever you express it, you're told to rein it in. Maybe your superiors are threatened by your gifts. Perhaps it's too edgy for their purposes. Whatever the reason, you need to branch out on your own. Whether this means painting after work or starting a band is immaterial. The important thing is to find a way to make art on your own terms.

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Just because everybody else is engaged in bad behaviour doesn't mean you need to follow along. Initially, you'll be mocked for going your own way. In time friends will express admiration for your courageous stance. Trust your instincts when it comes to a matter of conscience. A youngster who is playing up needs discipline. If you don't enforce the rules now, you'll be setting up your young friend for disaster. Better to learn from you now than the police later.

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Try not to take work so seriously. Although it occupies the majority of your day, your job isn't the centre of the Universe. Reading the newspaper and travelling can give you a more balanced perspective. The broader your view, the more popular you'll become. If you attend a big party, make it a habit to listen more than you speak. You can make some really interesting friends this way. You're especially drawn to creative types. Don't discuss your private life with family members.

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You're incapable of hearing anybody else's ideas but your own. While your conviction is admirable, it is driving a wedge between you and a would be friend. At the very least, you can be more respectful towards their beliefs. After all, you don't like it when others mock your ideas. Working with people from all walks of life will improve your career prospects. By practicing tact, you'll put yourself in line for a glamorous job. Let a female executive take you under her wing.

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Working alone will have lacklustre results; you need to join forces with someone in authority. Naturally, this is frustrating, as it means amending some of your plans. You hate having to get your partner's permission before making a move, but there's really no other choice. You need funding, and they have faith in your abilities. Together, you can make impressive strides towards your goal, but only if you're willing to compromise. Try to remember your sense of humour.

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Somebody's stubborn behaviour tests your temper. You're tired of these things. Trying to bully them into making a decision will only backfire. You'll have to abandon your plans and go off on your own. Dwelling on what might have been will just drive you crazy. Set your sights on a new goal. Somewhere down the line, circumstances could change and you could champion this dream all over again.

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Beware of overdoing it at the gym, or you could hurt yourself. You've got to honour your body's limitations. If you feel a twinge or ache, stop working out. Get a massage or ask a doctor. If you've been neglecting your body, you'll want to launch a gentle exercise regime. Yoga, swimming, or Tai Chi are preferable to heavy aerobic activities. Give your system a chance to adjust to your new routine. Rome wasn't built in a day!

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You've got to get a handle on your sexual desires. Using someone for physical pleasure will do serious damage to your reputation. It's important to act honourably, especially now finances are low. People aren't likely to trust you with a job if they see you acting irresponsibly towards others. If you're in a relationship, you may be tempted to stray from it. Consider how your behaviour will hurt innocent victims. There's a better way to cope with your frustrations.

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